Hello, and welcome *spreads arms in welcoming gesture* to GEEK.SLEEP.RINSE.REPEAT. “Who are you?” I hear you ask? We are Will and Omar nice to meet you. We love all things geeky, and have decided that we love it so much that we want to write about it. So lets start with a little introduction to the both of us.
Firstly I’m Will. I started playing video games in the NES days, the Super Mario and Duck Hunt combination was my first experience, well that I can remember anyway. Since then my love for games has grown and grown.
I mostly play games on my Xbox 360 nowadays, but I do dabble in some PC gaming as well, although I don’t have a top of the range machine, so can’t play everything.
In the last year, my ‘geeky-ness’ has expanded in to other areas, and I now find myself watching various anime series, and have started a graphic novel collection amongst other things. So naturally these are the things I will mostly be talking about on this blog. Plus a little from TV shows that I’m watching, and films I might have seen. You get the idea.
And I’m Omar or Murr, either or.
My first console was the Master System, Many hours were spent on Sonic and the duck hunt equivalent ‘Safari Hunt’. From there It was Gameboy, Snes…. all the way to today in which the only console’s I don’t own are a Megadrive and the 2 new next gen machines.
Again like Will there was a period of PC gaming, but you’re more likely to find me playing Xbox 360 or Wii U. I’m also a self acclaimed Nintendo Nut. I’m also very much into other geek areas of life including comics, movies, TV and not sure if it’s considered geeky but still enjoy the odd spot of WWE!
I’ll mostly be posting Nintendo defence force posts and Marvel Cinematic Universe “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” posts.
I also grew up playing Duck Hunt. This is for you guys: http://drakulus.com/2013/12/12/the-sunshine-award-2/
Hi Will and Omar! I’m not sure the best way to contact you, but my name is Jake, and I’m a writer for a gaming blog called Couch Bandits. We’re working on a project where we compile 100 gaming memories/stories from gamers of all types, and I thought you two might be interested in submitting!
Your memories can be super short, so nothing too intensive, and it can be about whatever you want—like your funniest experience gaming with friends or maybe about a game that reminds you of a meaningful time in your life.
If you’d like to submit or talk it over, let me know. Thanks for your time!! Keep gaming 🙂
Hi Jake,
Thanks for getting in touch. Yes, I’d be interested in taking part. I’ll talk to Murr to to see if he want’s to. Let me know when you’d need something by and where best to send it.
Awesome! Thanks so much, Will. Here’s a post with more details—you can submit right through here whenever you and Murr are ready: couchbandits.com/2018/11/10/we-need-your-help-whats-your-favorite-gaming-memory/
Let me know if you have any questions! We’d love a response within the next two weeks, if possible. Thanks again, -Jake
Awesome, I’ve sent something through to you!
Hi Jake, sorry for the delayed reply. I’d also certainly be happy to add a gaming memory. I’ll get something over to you soon. 🙂 thanks Omar/Murr
Awesome!! Thank you, both! Really appreciate it.