As some of my friend’s already know, I feel I should come clean and say that I am terrible at finishing games without moving onto the next. I know exactly why this is, I have a lot of games. Seriously the back catalogue is ridiculous, and I always tend to buy new games out too; money permitting of course (this year It’s been a bit slower).
Well one game that’s been sat in my backlog for about 2 Christmas’s is The Platinum games developed Vanquish. I’d heard and read many nice things about this game, comparisons to Gears of War in terms of gameplay but 1000 times faster paced with a less gritty more arcade vibe.
Okay so I’ve completed the training thinking to myself “this suit is pretty bad ass, but it could get a little complicated..” Never the less I proceed to continue with all the training to net my achievement (another thing about me and Will too for that matter is we do enjoy a good achievement boost). After the training is complete I’m prompted to run down a hall way while havoc is happening all around. Incoming laser beams approach but apparently I’m not damaged by them, I just get to enjoy the show. At the end of the hallway I’m treated to one massive incredible cut scene.. Explosions and insanity everywhere… so this is Vanquish huh.. awesome.
By the third part of chapter one I’m squaring off against my first Romanov, and if defeating that was awesome fun enough I’m then treated to my first encounter with an Argus… and what make’s these fun is that once you’ve got the health bar depleted, the thing transforms into another stance and the health bar is back to full. Fun times…. but no that’s not sarcastic. I’m genuinely having one hell of a fun time sliding around at fast speeds unloading heavy machine gun fire into the legs of the Argus, then taking cover and slow motion diving out unloading rockets and grenades at the core when it’s downed.
And that’s literally the first chapter. The challenges get more and more outrageous but without ever feeling off putting. I admit I played the game on an easier difficulty and from what I’ve read the true enjoyment of this game come from playing on the hardest difficulty. But having seen what sort of things you encounter on my play through, I’m happy with my choice.
I didn’t find the game tedious or repetitive at all in any part. It was very linear and one way only, but who cares, the one way you were going was into some frantic robot war equipped with a suit that the primary weapon morphs when you change it, So So awesome. I’ve been sure to mention to Will he need’s to borrow this for a play if only for the achievement boost itself, but also as it’s a damn fine game that I shouldn’t of over looked for so long.
My complete play time was 4 hours 18 minutes, but I can guarantee that time would double on a higher difficulty.
I’m sceptical that a sequel will happen, Unless much like Nintendo & Bayonetta 2 a specific console manufacturer funds the development of it for exclusivity. Here’s hoping that a sequel is in consideration as it truly is worthy of one.
– Murr