A standard Monday practice, a re-cap of the weekends GEEK –
I’m afraid mine is rather short and rather repetitive this week all due to Playstation 4.
Friday had to be one of the longest days for me in work due to the fact I knew there was a shiny new PS4 sat at home waiting for me. I took a trip to GAME on my lunch break and got myself a copy of NBA2k14 as promised.
Friday evening finally arrived and once I got home all I did was play on the PS4. I went with NBA for evening. I’m not going to detail my thoughts on PS4 / NBA / Killzone here, but will have something shortly.
Well let’s put it this way, Friday evening was just all NBA. I didn’t stop for Shield or Walking Dead.
Saturday was again spent in front of the PS4 for the day, but I had to call it time for work. I mainly played NBA, but did spare some time for Killzone campaign.
As for Sunday I actually had a morning away from the PS4, and put Christmas decorations up. Once that was done I caught up with Walking Dead. Gutted to hear the mid-season break arrives next week. Would appear it’ll leave us on a cliff hanger. Guvnor’s gunna Guvnor by the look of it. I didn’t catch Shield this week, and didn’t watch Homeland either, but that was because Sunday evening I was again hooked on NBA2k14. No time for sports or TV, just a weekend getting familiar with my new console. I’ll be playing catchup with the TV I’ve missed this weekend over the week.
Would also just like to add that I was pretty gutted to hear about the death of Paul Walker. I haven’t seen any movies of his outside of the Fast and Furious franchise. He’ll be a big loss to that franchise and the world in general due to his charity work. Some very sad reading from his Fast co-stars on twitter and facebook. Inevitably Fast 7 looks to be delayed which is completely understandable. I along with many F&F fans now wonder just how his death will be handled in the series. Hoping it’ll be something tasteful and respectful to him. RIP Paul Walker.
– Murr
For me, this weekend didn’t involve anything geeky.
It was my girlfriends birthday on Sunday, so most of the weekend was spent with her birthday in mind. Plus my step brother came to stay.
Friday night we went to a house ‘cooling’ party, as some friends were moving out. It was a good night, the usually party stuff happened. Didn’t get to bed until 5am, so I see that as a successful party.
Saturday, as my step Brother isn’t from around Bristol (he lives in Lancashire) we thought we would take him for some of Bristol’s amazing food. Now we couldn’t eat at all the nice places, so had to pick wisely.
Our choice was Meat & Bread.
My first taste of Meat & Bread came about a year or so ago, when he used to have a little cart that he would push around Bristol and set up at around 12:00pm each lunchtime. You always knew where he was going to be, by the random queue to what appeared to be nothing until he would arrive.
So, what does Meat & Bread do I hear you ask? Well…. Meat and bread.. yup, that simple. He serves up delicious sandwiches with various meat in them. Salt beef, pulled pork, jerk chicken, fried chicken. Those sorts of things. All of which are amazing. I had fried chicken this time, it was amazing. (Oh, he also does vegetarian options as well.)
Since then, he has set up in a pub called The Three Tuns, and serves daily (apart from Sundays I think) from 12:00pm until about 3:00pm or until he runs out of food, and he runs out quickly, its very popular.
I know some of you who read this won’t have a clue what I’m talking about, and will probably be thinking, “Dude, I live know where near Bristol, I’m never going to get to eat this.” But if you do live in or around Bristol, make the trip! You wont regret it. Plus, I love talking about nice food, and of course eating nice food.
Saturday night came around, and we had another party, this time we were the hosts. Another late night came and went. Then it was Sunday again.
The weekend went to fast, as always. I guess one plus is that I’m going to try and get an Xbox One today! Fingers crossed they have some in stock.
– Will
This is for you: http://drakulus.com/2013/12/02/the-sunshine-award-and-the-wordpress-family-award/
Thank you very much. That is very kind of you.