A little late getting this to you, but it was 3:45am by the time Sony finished things off.
So like last year their venue looked great and there was another fancy opening with a light show, without any introductions we’re treated to a Destiny trailer. Once that finishes Andrew House the CEO of Sony takes to the stage, he talks about online gaming and how the PS4 is the console for this. He then discloses that PS4 gamers will be playing the Beta on July 17th ahead of other consoles. He then mentioned an Alpha Beta for Destiny which begins this Thursday. His final reveal was that on Launch day of Destiny a new white PS4 & Destiny bundle would launch.
Next up was an incredible trailer for the order, not a lot of talk on this, just a straight up insanely good looking trailer.
Straight after that is a title for an indie game called Entwined. Unfortunately the volume on the developpers microphone wasn’t that great so didn’t actually hear that much detail, but it looked rather stunning and the control scheme is a duel system using both analogue sticks to control each character.
The bombshell, it’s out tonight to download!
Scott Rhode discusses Infamous: Second Son, and then confirms that there is some DLC coming soon titled Infamous: Fist Light.
And again without any introduction once that trailer had finished there is a massive Litte Big Planet 3 sign on the stage. The crowd appreciate this without even seeing it in action. Then we get an onstage demo. 3 new playable characters are added. Oddsock who can climb walls, Toggle who is heavy to push switches but can also shrink and swoop who can fly. The onstage demo looked hilarious. Yoshida then arrives and gives us some figures on how many unique levels have been created on Little Big Planet 1 and 2. Then announces that all those levels will be available for LBP3 to download. It’s scheduled for November release.
Next up is a new IP from “From Software” the crowd approve of this and we’re treated to a trailer for Blood Borne. It looks very dark and grusome. (skip to around 1:45 mark on below)
Far Cry 4 gets centre stage and a trailer featuring game play. This gets a good reaction from the crowd, Adam Boyes then arrives on stage and talks about if you own Far Cry 4 on PS4, you can invite your PSN friends to play Far Cry 4 without them needing to own the game. This feature is only available on Playstaiton Consoles. The crowd were very pleased with this.
He then goes on to mention that feedback means everything to Sony, and they asked for letters from people on what they would like to see on the PS4. He addressed some of these letters with trailers.
First up was the world premier of Dead Island 2 which once again like the first game, had an awesome debut trailer. It will once again have beta exclusive to PS4 and other exclusives that weren’t revealed.
Then mentions that Last of Us is arriving to PS4 soon and an expansion for Diablo exclusive for PS4. Then onto a new Battlefield Hardline trailer.
Another exclusive announcmenet is a partnership with Disney to secure Disney Infinity 2 Marvel Collectors edition for PS3 & PS4 only.
Now comes the indies… first up an exclusive from Paradox Interactive called Magicka2. Back to the letters from fans and gamers and someone made a troll letter to Sony claiming in once sentance that they were 12, then finishing the letter of claiming they are age 10. The content of the letter was asking for more Tim Schafer. It is later debunked that Tim himself wrote this letter asking Sony for more of his games on PS4, so the next reveal is a re-mastering of Grim Fandango on PS4 & Vita exclusively. Crowd reaction to this is loud, they’ve enjoyed that.
Still with the Indies and a partnership with Devolver Digtial has been struck to allow their indie titles first home to be PS4. Games such as Broforce, Tital Souls, Not a Hero, Hotline Miami 2 & The Talos Principle all on PS4 first.
Next up we’re told Suda 51 is working on an exclusive PS4 title called Let It Die. another rather dark and grusome looking game.
Another indie section and we see that Giant Squid who created Journey on PS3 are working on a new title called Abzu which looks rather nice.
We’re then given a trailer for a game that I’m already going to go out there before the Nintendo Conference and say is my Game of e3 2014. Big statement I know but look at this game. The stunning looking indie title called No Mans Sky.
I’m incredibly excited to play that!
We get a brief nod that Project Morpheus and 2 demo games will be on the show floor later on. But not alot more than that. Shawn Layden is the introduced to the stage.
Unfortuantely this part of the conference was the sales and PSN & PS+ features part. It’s something Microsoft skipped out on, and frankly I wish Sony had as it really did kill momentum in the crowd, and for me at home given how late it was. He did drop one bit of nice news.
YouTube support finally coming to PS4, so the share button can take your videos right to your YouTube channel. Excellent news!
He touched up on Free to Play games being big for PS4, but again the crowd weren’t all there. And then moved onto the PSNow service which allows you to play games on Sony TV’s with a Duel Shock3.
We had a PSVita session which really didn’t do much in terms of waking the crowd up.
Playstation TV was featured. It pairs with PS4 and means you can play PS4 games on any tv you have Playstation TV attached to. All PS3, PS1 & PSVita games are available on it.
He know’s the crowd are slowing, so gets back on track with the games. We get to see the first footage of GAMEPLAY of Mortal Kombat X.
Unfortunately though it went back to business and Sony’s strategy to get into other lines of entertainment with the PS4, and we’re told about an exclusive TV Show available on PS+ called Powers which is a show based on a comic of that name. And Ratchet and Clank is getting a feature length movie in start of 2015. To accompany this the original game is being remastered in PS4 graphics for PS4 along the same time frame.
It now begins to pick up again. More GAMES! First up incredible trailer for Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain.
Bombshell… GTAV… YES Grand Theft Auto 5 is being brought to new gen consoles. Sony had the first trailer…
They mentioned that your online account from both PS3 & Xbox 360 can be carried on and transferred to PS4. Great news.
Next up another in game trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight, and the reveal that Scarecrow: Nightmare missions are exclusive to the PS4 version.
And lastly. To close the show out, I think we all knew it was coming, a trailer for a new Naughty Dog title, well it’s clear from here what it is. Uncharted 4 Trailer kicks in to thunderous applause.
And there you have it. Some new games announced, some great exclusive business with 3rd parties. Not all that convinced on the turning the PS4 into a media centre, pretty sure they were against that at e3 Last year. But a good conference.
No Mans Sky and Grand Theft Auto V on my PS4. I can’t wait.
– Murr