Mario Kart 8 DLC Dates, Prices & Pictures!

Finally Nintendo DLC for Mario Kart 8 has been revealed with prices and features, and damn does it look awesome. Check this out from the Official Nintendo PR: Massive Mario Kart 8 DLC Packs Add 16 New Courses, Plus New…

Xenoblade X is 5 Times bigger than Chronicles

A snippet taken from the latest copy of EDGE has caught the attention of Xenoblade fans, giving an idea to just how big the upcoming Wii U title “X” is going to be… Takahashi on X: “Vehicles are called Dolls.…

Pokken Tournament Announced

Nintendo and Namco-Bandai have just officially confirmed and announced a new title in the Pokemon franchise. Pokken Tournament. As the name suggests it’s to be beat em up title taking it’s title from the Tekken franchise. So far it’s yet…

Geekly Review #43

This weeks Geekly Review it’ll just be me (Murr) rounding off the weekend as Will is celebrating his birthday with a week holiday. This week may also be a little quiet with Will being away, and then on Thursday I’ll…

First ‘Easter Egg’ In Marvels Ant-Man

Marvel’s first ‘Phase 3’ film is currently recording, and already eagle eyed fans have spotted an Easter egg referencing a film from the Phase 1 movies. Remember in the Incredible Hulk, the drink that a drop of Banner’s blood fell…

Destiny – Dragons!?

If you’ve been keeping your face glued to the computer screen for any drip of new Destiny info like I have, you will have no doubt already seen the latest launch trailer. But in case you haven’t, here it is,…

First “Pre-Purchase” Game Available on Xbox One

Madden NFL 15 appears to be the first Pre-Purchase game available on Xbox One. It also features a discount if you are subscribed to the EA Access Service. It’s playable for 6 hours on pre-purchase till it’s actual release. The…

WWE Summer Slam Results 2014

The biggest Pay Per View since Wrestlemania took place last night, the yearly summer spectacle Summer Slam. This year there was an expectation that it’d seeing the end of John Cena’s latest title run to the beast Brock Lesnar. The…

Geekly Review #42

Another week down, let’s hope this one goes quickly because then I’m on holiday! A couple of our friends are moving away to Malaysia for a year so on Friday night we gave them a good send off. We all…

Gamescom 2014 – Assassin’s Creed: Unity Gameplay

Gamescom 2014 is still going on, and the new gameplay videos are still flowing. Assassin’s Creed Unity is the latest game to show off some gameplay with creative director Alex Amancio narrating a single player assassination mission. In the video you…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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