
D4 Releases Tomorrow

Comments (17)
  1. drakulus23 says:

    I’ve actually never heard of this. I might look into it later today

    1. willgsrr says:

      It’s been pretty quiet really, and some people were thinking it might be in some development whole. So it’s quite random. But I think it looks decent.

      1. drakulus23 says:

        It definitely does look decent, but there are so many games about to come out that I probably won’t end up getting it until next year.

        1. willgsrr says:

          It’s only $14.99 in US I believe, and £11.99 here. So I think I will pick it up.

          1. drakulus23 says:

            I’m saving my money for the new Civilization game :].

          2. willgsrr says:

            Fair enough. Haven’t really seen much of it, but I do usually like a CIV game.

          3. drakulus23 says:

            I’m also getting a bunch of other games too. That little $15 game will have to wait. I’m pretty excited for Sunset Overdrive too :].

          4. willgsrr says:

            Always the same thing this time of year. Too any games, not enough cash.
            Sunset is looking pretty good. It looks great fun. I’m hoping to play it next weekend at a games convention in London.

          5. drakulus23 says:

            Let me know if you do. I’m really curious about it.

            This time of the year always has really great games so I’m not surprised that I’m going to be broke in October lol.

          6. willgsrr says:

            I will no doubt be talking about it in our Geekly Review.

            It’s both good and bad. Good because we get loads of awesome games, but bad because we end up broke…

          7. drakulus23 says:

            I’m going to be broke anyway. My son is turning one next month :].

          8. willgsrr says:

            Ah, nice. Time for his first console? Haha.

          9. drakulus23 says:

            Actually it’s Chucky Cheese for the entire family and that’s going to make my wallet cry…

            My two year old likes Need for Speed, and my five year old likes Forza. They both play Skyrim too on my PC when I’m not home.

            I wonder what my son will get into. I hope he’s a gamer, but if he isn’t I’m hoping I could at least get him to watch football with me and my daughters.

          10. willgsrr says:

            I don’t really know what Chucky Cheese is, I kind of imagine it to be a bit like a McDonalds, but with more kids stuff?

            A family of gamers! You’ve raised them right.

          11. drakulus23 says:

            It’s actually a place where you can go to eat pizza and watch your kids play one of the many, many games in the building. My kids love it.

            I would rather them play games than go outside these days. The world has really changed and for the worse over here.

          12. willgsrr says:

            So like Pizza Planet in Toy Story?

            It’s hard for me to imagine what it’s like being a parent, but I’m sure it’s not easy.

          13. drakulus23 says:

            Parenting has it’s bad days. Some times, especially my kids, no matter what you do they just won’t listen to anything you say.

            I have three kids and my wife is pregnant with number four. Having kids was the best thing that ever happened to me and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

            You have to be patient and you must think of them more than yourself. Is it easy? Of course not, but I’m doing the best I can and so far it’s going good.

            My kids saved my life and I owe them everything. I was nothing but a jail bird before I had them.

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