
WWE Hell in a Cell 2014 Results

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Geekly Review #52
Comments (3)
  1. Tell me I’m stuck in the past, but I’m just waiting for Hogan to get involved in the Rusev storyline and have a face come down and save him. There’s just something about a nostalgic Hogan finger point (YOU!) that I think makes the storyline that much better.

    1. Murr_GSRR says:

      A Real American is indeed needed to stop this Russian oppression 😉 Would be awesome to see Hulk take a stand.

      It won’t happen, but what i’d give to see Rusev in the ring with Lana doing some talk on how Rusev has conquered the best American athletes that the WWE can throw at them, and then you hear Kurt Angle’s theme tune blast out, and a pumped up Kurt with gold medals around his neck waving the American flag makes his way down the ramp to rapturous applause. There’s no “You Suck” chants on this occasion just fans marking out..

      1. Oh my…. Angle would be awesome!

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