Details of Destiny’s next expansion seem to be leaking all over the place at the moment. The latest leak revealed by many including Kokatu has spilled the beans on The Taken King, which looks likely to be the name of the large expansion – previously code named ‘comet’ coming later this year.
What does the leak reveal then?
Firstly it points to a release date of 15th September this year for the price of $40 – no other prices were mentioned.
It also said that it will introduce three new sub-classes to the game, one for each character – something that we’ve kind of expected to happen all along.
For example, it confirms the existence of a new subclass for each of the game’s three classes, along with a new elemental super ability: an electrical storm for Warlocks (arc); a gravity bow for Hunters (void); and a flaming hammer for Titans (solar). Hardcore Destiny players will notice that each of these abilities revolves around the element each respective class lacks today.
We can also expect to see a new raid from The Taken King – who is believed to be Oryx, Crota’s father. Oryx is looking for revenge after the beating his son received at the hands of the Guardians in the Dark Below, and will be leading a new army of enemies known as the Taken, against you.
Other than that, details for what else the expansion will include are pretty scarce, but I’m assuming we will see a whole bunch of new story missions, weapons, multiplayer maps, strike missions and probably 10 new currencies to get your heads around.
You can bet your money that we will be hearing more concrete information at E3 next week.
Personally, right now, I’m skeptical of the expansion. Most people have already spent £80 if not a little more on the game with the season pass, and the thought of potentially spending another £40ish doesn’t sit well.
If it is £40, that’s basically the price of a new game, so you should expect to see enough content comparable to a whole game. But it already sounds like it will be a similar amount to Destiny at launch – 1 raid, or less – only 3 sub classes compared to 6. Seeing as Destiny in its original state was already lacking in terms of story and, let’s face it, variation, The Taken King will really need to step it up to tempt me in to buying it.
– Will