We’re 3 conferences down with plenty more to go. After the highs of Bethesda and Microsoft and the very very medicore EA it’s the turn of Ubisoft:
The show starts with the words on screen saying “An Epic RPG returns, 15 game of the year awards in 2014”. Then a trailer for a new South Park game kicks in. South Park: The Fractured But Whole is announced.
Aisha takes the stage and welcomes Trey Parker and Matt Stone to the stage to talk about the game. Ubisoft San Fransisco are developing the game. It’ll continue the story from Stick of Truth and ‘The New Kid’ but this time the boys want to play Super Hero’s.
Aisha back to stage and she acknowledges that there has been a lot of “constructive feedback” over the last 12 months and they aim to address all problems.
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot takes to the stage, he’s already to pull the trigger on a new game. He’s not saving this one for the end.
We get a trailer for a “New IP in a new genre”. Ubisoft Montreal developped ‘For Honor’. We then get a demo of a 4×4 multiplayer battle.
Aisha is back out and reveals 2 trailers for updates to existing games. The Crew: Wild Run & Trails Fusion: Awesome Level Max (which looks nuts)
Next up Division multiplayer demo introduces us to ‘The Dark Zone’ with announcment that it releases on March 8th 2016.
Aisha introduces us to a city builder that we aim to reach the moon for resources. Anno:2205
Onto the standard Ubisoft dance segment. Just Dance 2016. And to show my age, I have no idea who the singer / dancer on stage was. You probably don’t need me to post any Just Dance trailers here. Oh, after the performance they call him Jason Derullo. I’ve heard of him, but I can’t say I knew he did this song…. Moving on…Just Dance will be available for all consoles, But PS4, WiiU and XboxOne players can sign up to a streaming service called Just Dance Unlimted. Dance on demand streaming service.
Without any warning we’re off to a new trailer for Rainbow Six | Siege which has the fans really pumped up. Angela Bassett who features in the trailer is brought to the stage to give us details on her role in the game. Next up Aisha brings out Genevieve Forget to bring us details regarding the game modes. Terror Hunt is back in either single player with AI or multi player.
Beta available on 24th September 2015.
Back to Aisha again who invites us to look into TrackMania that will be coming to consoles. It looks like a pretty fun frantic racer. It features a random track mode. At the press of a button random tracks will be built right infront of you to race on.
Onto the big game if you’re a fan of the series. Assassins Creed: Syndicate.
Marc Alexis-Cote is on stage to discuss AC Syndicate story, characters and setting. He announces that you’ll be able to play the game from as soon as tomorrow if you sign up to Ubisoft.com.
Aisha back out again to call it a night, but of course there’s one last thing, so she introduces back to Yves who says he enjoys surprising us with new IP’s, but also likes to show they can take existing IP’s and make them fresh again. And then comes the trailer for…Ghost Recon: Wildlands. Massive open world environment.
And that was the final game of the Ubisoft’s E3 2015 Conference.
(All Trailers from Ubisoft Youtube Channel)
– Murr
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