Here we are, the dawn of E3. One conference down and it’s already blown the roof off with excitement. And we have plenty more coming. But before the rest, let’s take a look back with the Geekly Review.
So I’ve been doing pretty much nothing other than the Witcher 3 during the week once home from work. However the weekend I did get out and also watch a few movies and some WWE.
Friday night I went out with some friends to our local. What was meant to be a few casual Friday drinks ended up turning it to tequila, double Jim Bean and more tequila. Somehow, and I couldn’t tell you how I ended up stumbling home around 3:30am. Ridiculous and funny night.
So with the activities of Friday, Saturday was pretty much a write off. A day spent on the sofa feeling sorry for myself. During that time I watched Ghostbusters 1 and The Incredible s with my wife. Two damn awesome films If I do say so. We actually went to bed at around 8pm Saturday as we’re really cool, but then watched a few episodes of Total Diva’s which we’re both still hooked too. I rounded the night off catching up with WWW NXT witnessing Samoa Joe’s debut fight against some jobber. He didn’t look particularly great in all honesty. Quite slow and sluggish, which you could blame on the fact he’s a big guy, but so is Kevin Owens and that guy can pull of some spectacular acrobatic feats in the ring.
Sunday my wife was off early to Download festival to see one man in particular (Myles Kennedy). So I had the day to myself. I spent 6 hours solid on Witcher 3. I think I’ve started Act 3 now after playing pretty much solid for 3 weeks. Without giving too much away in terms of the story, I managed to pick up the trophy ‘Full Crew’ which meant that I’d got all the correct friends on board for a battle at Kaer Morhen. It was an awesome buildup seeing all my old friends that I’d not seen for what felt like ages based on how long I’ve been playing the game. I’m still hoping that my actions haven’t resulted in me losing out on one secret trophy involving King Radovid. I then decided to attempt to watch England vs Slovenia but ended up falling asleep to it. At 7pm my wrassle friends arrived round and we geared up for WWE Money In the Bank watching previous MiTB PPV’s, Some Botchamania and NXT. Was a tough slog and we all found ourselves especially more tired for this PPV with Friday’s tequila still somehow taking it’s toll on us.
Some pretty crap results and match endings. Sheamus as MiTB winner?? Really? Oh well guess I’ll watch the next PPV to find out what happens, Dammit WWE.
– Murr
We all know that the Steam Summer Sales started last week, so I’ve been keeping a close eye on all the games dropping in price to see what takes my fancy. So far I’ve bought I’ve bought 5 games, but only spent around £10 – got to love those sale prices! I;ve picked up Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, How to Survive, Sir, you are being hunted and Sunless Sea. Out of those I’ve only gotten around to playing Comnand & Conquer, Chivalry and Sunless Sea.
I used to love playing the Command & Conquer games, so picking up Tiberium wars for £2 odd was a no brainier. I’ve started out on the GDI campaign, but I think I used to spend most of my time playing Skirmishes and just building up huge armies of tanks.
Chivalry is a blast from what I’ve played so far. It’s a first person hack and slash style game, but it’s all online. With various game modes like Deathmatch, Team deathmatch and then a few objective driven modes too. The combat is just a lot of fun – lopping people’s heads off is extremely satisfying. Plus the battle cry’s, they make me laugh every single time.
I haven’t really had much time to play anything else really. But I have the whole week to myself now (apart from work), so you can expect this week to contain lots of playing and hopefully some more time on the Witcher as I’ve not really played it much in the last week and I feel like I really need to get some more time on it, if you only just so I can talk to Murr about it.
– Will
In The News
Nintendo reveal new game / IP at Nintendo World Championships
Yup, you wanted new games, you wanted new IP’s? Well Nintendo have given us one way before their conference is due to start. Blastball. It’s a First person, multiplayer, arena shooter. No post on it here yet. But we’ll be posting Nintendo’s E3 wrapup shortly after the conference closes, so expect more details there. In the mean time, here’s everything known about courtesy of NeoGaf.
Ryu from Street Fighter appears in Smash Bro’s
Yup, More Nintendo and another leak it would appear. Ryu (And Roy from Fire Emblem) have been leaked prior to E3 as Smash Bro’s future DLC characters. Once the news broke Nintendo officially revealed them and the pricing points for them.
Platinum Games reveal Transformers Devastation
Platinum games were due to reveal a new game at E3, and again leaks have ruined another surprise as Transformers Devastation found it’s way to the public before E3. A Cell Shaded Transformers game took people by surprise with some happy, others not so much.
Jurassic World owns the box office
Away from all the game news, a little film featuring dinosaurs released recently staring a certain Guardian of the Galaxy. Did the audience like it? Nope they loved it with Jurassic World staring Chris Pratt became the biggest worldwide opening weekend film ever. In US alone it became the 2nd biggest opening film of all time beating Avengers: Age of Ultron which falls to 3rd, but not quite enough to dislodge Avengers Assemble in number 1.
E3 has started, Bethesda rocked it
A debut conference from Bethesda got E3 started and it was a brilliant way to start the biggest week in the gaming calendar. No spoilers to be given here, instead check out the wrap up of the conference HERE.