It’s Monday so it’s time for another round up of the weeks news and geekly goings on.
A lot of my gaming time has been spent playing Dirty Bomb. This week hasn’t been much different really. With the new rotation of characters earlier in the week plus the new game mode ‘Execution’ being available over the weekend for testing, it was pretty obvious I was going to be playing it a lot.
This week’s rotation saw Fragger, Arty and Fletcher. I already own Arty so know what I’m getting with him. But Fragger – who has frag grenades, and Fletcher – who has sticky bombs, were both new to me.
I spent a bit of time using both of them, but to be honest I didn’t really get to grips with either of them. I’m not at my best with a shotgun – which Fletcher has, and I didn’t really ever feel that effective with the sticky bombs.
Fragger was a little easier to pick up, but I still wasn’t sold on him. For me I have two Fragger cards one with an LMG and one with a burst fire assault rifle. I do quite like the LMG, it’s just not all that effective at a longer range as the spread starts to get out of control, and I just feel like burst firing an LMG is a bit wrong.
I feel like they’re both pretty similar to Nader, and Nader just feels a lot more effective.
On to the new game mode ‘Execution’. If you’ve ever played CS:GO you’ll know what you’re getting. It’s a best of 12 rounds attack and defend two bomb sites game mode, where if you die, you’re out for that round.
There was only one map to play on this weekend, and it looked really odd because they haven’t actually added in any real textures or colours to the map. It was a bit odd a first, but then once you were used to it, I barely even noticed.
The game mode itself was a lot of fun. There is more of an emphasis on team work as you can easily get wiped out if you all run off in separate directions. I played some games where we just steam rolled our opponents because we worked together.
I’m looking forward to seeing a few new maps and how this mode progresses. There is no timeline that I’m aware of, for when it will be officially released.
I’ve also been doing a bit more reading recently and read issue 1 of the new series from Brian K. Vaughan We Stand On Guard.
100 years from now, a heroic band of Canadian civilians must defend their homeland from invasion…by the United States of America!
The first issue was really enjoyable and it’s definitely a series I will be following – it has huge robots, what’s not to love!
On top of that, I’ve been making my way through volume 1 of Postal, which takes place in the town of Eden. Eden is a haven for fugitives, they’re given new identities and given another chance to live their lives. The town operates under a zero tolerance for illegal activities in order to not draw attention from outsiders. But inevitably someone shows up dead, and the townsfolk of Eden need to keep it under wraps.
– Will
I had a less than geeky weekend just gone. My wife and some of our friends went for a weekend camping trip to Brean which is just about 45 minutes drive down the road. It was a normal camping trip involving beer, bbq’s, full English breakfasts and fish and chips. In fact the only thing missing from the little break was a bag of fresh doughnuts. But still a good time away. Partaking in some gokarting and lapping my wife time and time again was entertaining. Playing the arcade classics such as Sega Rally. And a nice chilled session on the beach as we actually managed to have a whole weekend of sunshine.
Once back home on Sunday it was just tidying up camping gear, washing clothes, tidying up and then eventually chilling out once we picked up our cats from the cattery. To see the weekend off I watched 2 films. Spy and Bad Neighbors. Everyone talks about Spy being really funny, my wife loves it. But I have this thing about Melissa McCarthy that I just don’t really find her funny. So that was always going to cause an issue. It wasn’t as funny as i’d been told. But I will give that Jason Stathem has the funniest parts in the film.
Bad Neighbours is an older film starring Seth Rogen and Zac Effron about a young couple that have a child and the house next door which gets taken over by a university and turned into a frat house. The couple who don’t feel or think they are old rock up to the frat house with a joint to ensure that they are down with the kids and proceed to party with the frat on night one. One stipulation being that could the frat house keep the noise down a little. All out war breaks out between the neighbours as police are involved leading to an entertaining and funny battle to get the frat boys kicked out of uni. I actually enjoyed this film a lot more than anticipated.
With that, that’s my weekend wrapped up. I couldn’t stay up for WWE Battleground so will be watching tonight.
– Murr
News Roundup
Shenmue 3 kickstarter finishes
Yup, the magical kickstarter for Shenmue 3 has finished, and finished in style to become the highest funded game on Kickstarter at $6.3m. Now the wait begins as well as answers to more questions such as “Will Sony add substantial funds?”
Brand New Street Fighter V character revealed
At EVO 2016 a new character was revealed for the SFV roster. His name is Necalli. Check out the reveal trailer here.
Naughty Dog thought The Last of Us was going to fail:
Yup, Naughty God’s as they’re often referred to across the internet got all humble on us and admitted that they weren’t entirely sure on how successful the game was going to be and preparing for a flop on their games list. Less of that negative thinking please Naughty Dog.
Windows 10
Over the weekend we got some more information about Windows 10 and the integration with Xbox One. You can read about it here.