Halo 5 Guardians – First Impressions

It has arrived. After what has felt like a very, very long wait Halo 5 Guardians is here and I’ve been playing it at pretty much every opportunity I have since launch. I haven’t completed the game yet, but I’ve…

Sony Paris Games Week Conference – Round Up

You might not know to much about Paris Games Week and that seems to be because it doesnt seem to be marketed quite as much, but it’s happening right now! Yesterday Sony had their conference and we’re going to give…

Below Gameplay

Below from Capybara games is easily one of my most anticipated games in a long time. IGN have just released a video showcasing the first 18 minutes of gameplay from the game. It looks so, so good. In Below you…

Geekly Review #104

Just me again this week as Murr is still sunning it up on holiday! I also think that this is our two year anniversary – which is pretty darn cool! Over the last week I’ve actually been putting quite a…

Doom Multiplayer Gameplay

We know that the Closed Multiplayer Alpha for Doom is on it’s way. On the back of this Bethesda have released a new video which shows off some of the gameplay you can expect you can expect to get your…

Elite Dangerous: Horizons – First Look

It’s the moment all of the Elite Dangerous fans have been waiting for – a first look at planetary landings coming in the Horizons expansion. The whole stream is over an hour long and I haven’t even had a chance…

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer

Over night a brand new trailer for the hugely anticipated film Star Wars: The Force Awakens has dropped on Youtube. It looks incredible, need I say any more, just watch it! Looks amazing right!? -Will

Geekly Review #103

So it’s just going to be me for the next couple of weeks as Murr popped off on holiday. Throughout the week I had every intention of playing The Witcher 3 as I still need to complete it. I did…

Fallout 4 – The Wanderer Trailer

Is it 10th November yet, because I really want it to be. No? Ok, well maybe this new trailer for Fallout 4 will help. That’s right a brand new trailer popped up last night for the hugely anticipated Fallout 4…

Geekly Review #102

Another weekend finishes as we get closer and closer to the winter silly season of gaming. I get a feeling Will’s Geekly Review will be fairly similar to mine this weekend. Involving a certain BETA. Star Wars Battlefront. So Friday…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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