This time in two weeks it will all be over… Christmas that is. It has come around pretty quickly hasn’t it!
There has been a lot of Geekly goings on for me recently so I’ll just right in to it.
Some of you might be aware that The Division had an alpha from Wednesday to Saturday. I was lucky enough to get a code to be able to play it. Unfortunately the alpha was under NDA so I can’t really talk about it at all. All I will say was that it was great and the general consensus seems to be the same.
I’ve also been putting in some more time to Hurtworld. I even managed to start building a base, the problem was, was that I didn’t have enough materials to put a roof on it. Because of that, it was quickly raided and demolished. I didn’t mind too much because I was really just building it to see what the mechanics were like and how many resources you would actually need to make a decent base.

Now that I’m a little more familiar with it, I think I will find my own little spot to start building on, somewhere a little more out of the way.
I know that there are a shed load of survival games around at the moment, but I really like Hurtworld and I feel like it’s a little different to the others.
The 0.59 update also dropped for DayZ recently. It has brought it a load of new content, bug fixes and all sorts. You can read all about it here if you like.
I’ve started off a new character and have managed to get pretty well geared pretty quickly – so the loot certainly seems a lot better now. I’m thinking I might start a new DayZ diaries at some point, but maybe in video form instead of the previous written versions, just a for a bit of variation.
I really think the developers need to start making some serious ground on DayZ, the player numbers are dropping – although they picked back up a little due to the patch. But this game came out to early access two years ago and to be honest, bar a lot of new loot and a few mechanics that have been added I’m not entirely sure what major changes there have been. It still feels like it’s so far away from a full release that I think that most people will have lost interest in it.
Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy playing it a lot, but I just think it needs to step it up in terms of development – it just seems so slow.
Another game I’ve got back in to playing lately is This War of Mine and I’ve actually started a YouTube series for it. But I wanted to try something a little different with it. I’ve set myself the challenge of only being nice whilst playing, so I can’t rob anyone and I must help others who are in need – providing I can, I’ve called it my ‘Nice Guys Finish Last’ play through to see if nice guys actually do lose. It started off pretty normally, but as I’ve got further along things have got much tougher. If you want to watch it, check it out below.
Finally we have Destiny – of course we do. Over one year of playing it and I still can’t stop. This time it’s because of the Sparrow Racing League. Yes, now you can race sparrows against other players. Set to run for three weeks initially, Guardians can pit their sparrow skills against one another on two tracks to earn new armour and new sparrows which sound like pod racers – seriously, they sound awesome I need one!

It’s actually a lot of fun and makes a nice change – plus it was a free update, so that’s always good. Sure, I kind of suck at it (only managed one win so far) and manage to get knocked around all over the place or stuck on stupid things but I like it. I’m hoping that it will come back pretty soon and with a few extra tracks to race on too.

Alongside that I also played some Trials of Osiris. I only really play to complete the bounties for it, I don’t ever expect to get to the lighthouse to earn the big rewards mainly because I’m probably not good enough. But, each time I play I’ve been rewarded pretty well from the bounties. This week saw me get the pulse rifle Reflection Sum at 308 light level – I was pretty happy with that!

As Will mentioned above Christmas is fast approaching and the festive spirit is in the air. The weekend just gone was again unfortunately not entirely filled with Geeky activities but more festive fun.
Friday evening was spent watching and finishing season 3 of Orange is the new black. A little late to the party, but I’ve only recently re-subbed to Netflix. The season finale definitely left a lot of questions to be answered in season 4. Is Alex going to be found dead in the greenhouse? Will Caputo get the sack after another prison escape albeit it the prisoners aren’t totally free, just frolicking in the nearby lake (which in itself was a great scene). And while all the ladies were out in the lake, little do they know that when they are escorted back to their blocks, their areas now have bunk beds installed so will find more room mates that they won’t be particularly happy about. Season 3 was a lot slower than the first 2, but still enjoyable, and has me patiently waiting for season 4 now.
Saturday I opted to watch the first Adam Sandler and Netflix joint film, “The Ridiculous Six”. I’ve read a lot of terrible things about this film, so should have avoided it from the write ups alone, but decided to give it a go. It was shocking. The cast is actually pretty impressive, but my god the film itself is diabolical. Terry Crewes has some moments that admittedly did make me chuckle, but the rest of the film was a 2 hour chore. I don’t know how or why I watched to the end credits.

That night I headed to the pub with some friends for another night of boxing. Only really interested in 3 of the fights on the card, and all 3 I had expected to win did. The Main event Anthony Joshua was worth the wait as the fight was really entertaining.
Finally onto Sunday which would be the festive day. We bought some new tree lights and decorations so added them to our tree that’s already been up half a month. While doing that we watched Santa Clause with Tim Allen and eating some home made Turkey, stuffing and cranberry toasties. We put on National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation next and after that we watched Muppets Christmas Carol which is one of the greatest Christmas films. We followed by another of the greats Elf, which was accompanied by a cheese board and olives. And to see the night out after all the festive films, we watched 3 more hours of DareDevil. It’s really picking up now as it appears we’re going to be introduced to another possible villain or vigilante after a brief tease at the end of the episode featuring “Stick”.
Good news that this week I’ll be watching a lot of wrestling. Tonight I’ll be catching up on the WWE PPV, Tables Ladders and Chairs. Tomorrow I’m off to Cardiff for my early Christmas Present to watch WWE NXT UK Tour and then Wednesday night is WWE NXT Takeover London. A good week of “wrasslin” ahead!
– Murr
Film Trailers Hit
So 2016 is looking to be another great year for cinema, and 2 trailers hit for 2 of 2016’s big releases.
Independence Day Resurgence
X-Men Apocalypse