As has become a tradition over the past couple of years, Sony’s PlayStation Experience followed on from last nights Game Awards (If you’re British it did with those time zones). As always the hype leading into this event had reached fever pitch with leaks appearing to hit just days before the show. Prior to this show Marvel vs Capcom 4, The Last of us 2 and Wipeout HD collection rumours had been doing the rounds.
Here’s how 2016’s rendition of PSX went:
Firstly, the show started bang on time which is a first as PlayStation shows are notorious for starting late.
It’s a trailer we’ve not seen before. And it’s got us all guessing? Chloe Uncharted 4 DLC? The Last of us 2? Tomb Raider? We’re 6 minutes in with the trailer and we still don’t know yet.
It’s Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, It looks like an Uncharted Spin off rather than DLC.
Shawn Layden is onto the stage after the trailer finishes, and discusses that December 3rd (today) is PlayStations Birthday. The first PS1 sold in Japan on this day in 1994.
Oh and Shawn’s wearing another nice teaser t-shirt this year. A Wipeout T-Shirt. Hold on tight folks.
Next up we’re onto Capcom logo on stage, and then we see Megaman, he’s assisted by Ryu, then Iron Man Shows up. Marvel vs Capcom 4 is real and the crowd are going nuts on the live stream. It’s called Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and it’s out in 2017. The crowd are seriously going ape shit.
Shawn’s back. Confirms first gameplay footage will be at the Capcom Cup. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is available to download exclusively to PS4 TODAY.
Shawn says he doesn’t want to stay on the stage too long, but announces he’s got a lot of love for old classic PlayStation games, He then leaves to reveal WIPEOUT.
The crowd are seriously losing their shit. It’s a Wipeout collection coming in 2017.
Next trailer is for Destiny Dawning.
Destiny The Dawning coming December 13th.
First look at the Crash Bandicoot Remaster. Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy coming 2017.
Call of Duty World League tournament is back. PlayStation will be presenting the tournament with $4m as prize money.
Resident Evil 7 Final demo is available tonight to download. This is followed up by a new trailer.
Next up is Ace Combat 7 VR. We get a look at that.
Next is a Street Fighter 5 character debut for Akuma.
Yoshida is next to the stage to a thunderous applause and chants. He shows us The Last Guardian for one last time before it’s release. The final trailer is stunning, absolutely stunning. It’s incredible that it’s actually going to release in a matter of days.
Another new game from Yoshida, he show Parappa The Rapper. 20th Anniversary. Also Patapon and Loco Roco are all being remastered for PlayStation 4. There’s a demo available today.
First look at a new game from Sony Japan Studio. It’s Knack 2. Seriously, they did it. Knack 2.
A new trailer for Gravity Rush 2. Featuring Raven as free DLC.
Onto Polyphony Digital to show us more Gran Turismo Sport.
After that we’re getting another look at Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. It’s coming in 2017
Gio Corsi is next to the stage, he’s got a Vita in his hand and says this is going to be the lightening round. So I expect I’ll be typing this quick.
Yakuza 6
Yakuza Kiwami
Danagaronpa 4
Nier 2: Automata
Now we’re shown a few indie games coming to PS4.
What Remains of Edith Fince (It’s still alive)
Nex Machina
Dreadnought is looking very interesting, and it’s cool to see that What Remains of Edith Finch is still alive.
And then an Indie Reel with lots of games.
Let It Die is shown next, it look’s weird. It’s available for free today.
Mother Russia Bleeds is available today, surgeon simulator available today.
Lara Croft GO is shown next. It’s available today too.
Gio leaves but shows us one more trailer, Wind Jammers. I have no idea.
Asad Qizilbash is next to the stage. He’s here to list off PSVR games, he reveals a PSVR exclusive. Star Blood Arena. There’s also a VR Trailer reel with what’s coming to PSVR soon.
Now onto NioH and a new trailer.
Next up MLB The Show 2017.
Guerilla Games introduction now and brand new trailer for it.
And back to Shawn Layden after that trailer. He tells us there is one more thing today. The game is in early development. It’s The Last of us Part 2. The crowd are going insane.
And that’s the show. An absolutely insane amount of content shown today. Literally one thing after the other. Unbelievable show. Looking back over the post adding the trailers in, it reads as a PlayStation fan wishlist, what an exciting time. Not forgetting God of War, Spiderman, Shenmue 3, Final Fantasy 7 Remake & Red Dead Redemption too. Wow, just wow.
What did you think of the show? are you hyped for the upcoming barrage of PlayStation content?
– Murr