Morning Geeks. This week it’s just me as Will is off relaxing and recharging after a very special weekend in which we celebrated his wedding. So there wasn’t an awful lot of Geekly activities this weekend really. I managed to catch up with some Horizon on Sunday afternoon though.
Thursday afternoon we headed over to Long Ashton and had an evening at the pub. What was meant to be a relatively quiet and chilled evening still ended up pretty heavy. We headed back to Will’s place about 11pm with Domino’s ordered on the walk home. One final drink of rum at Will’s house before the Pizza arrived. Then we and 2 of the other best men chowed down chatting and reminiscing of memories and genuinely having a good catch up as it’d seemed like ages we had all been together having drinks and not responsibilities (other than preparing for a wedding the next day).
Much like Will did for me at my wedding 3 years ago, I was doing the speech at the wedding, so as nervous as Will felt on Friday of the day, I too was also casually sipping Jack Daniels from my hip-flask from 8am onwards trying to calm myself. As if that pressure wasn’t enough as we reached the location I was given the additional responsibility of being in charge of getting the music to play on cue for when the bride was to enter. “Brilliant!”. So I’ve got my phone in the docking station provided and have the casual wedding playlist playing as we await the moment the mother of the bride was to make her entrance. At that moment the registrar nodded to me to change the music to the walking down the aisle song. To my utter horror the songs on the playlist were all blank / black and not available to select or play. Sheer panic and shock on my face I turn to Will and the other best man and as causally as I can mutter it, tell them I can’t select the song. Will runs over to the dock with me and re-selects the playlist and “City of Stars” from La La Land begins to play right on time as the brides mum makes her way in. Crisis adverted thankfully. The song finished right on time as Meg made her way to her soon to be husband Will.
The ceremony went off without a hitch and we were all excited to be heading to the festival that Will and Meg had created to celebrate their big day. Long Ashtonbury.
It was absolutely spectacular. They had a stunning marquee / Tipi with benches inside and fairy lights surrounding the posts. However I couldn’t fully appreciate this as I knew the speeches were inbound. As my time arrived I stood up with my prepared cue cards which were actually a lot more inconvenient to use as I had a microphone in the other hand, so I just had to drop my used cards to the floor… all 29 of them eventually on the floor. Only one issue when I dropped a card I hadn’t finished reading. Woops. I think it went well, had a few congratulations and nice jobs from the guests as the day went on. So from now we could get on it and fully enjoy the day.
In typical festival fashion glitter was compulsory, so as the night progressed guests were becoming more and more flamboyant with more and more glitter. The night was capped with the new bride taking over the DJ decks producing a set that ran till 3am. Will surrounded by friends raving away to his wife’s efforts on the decks. Wouldn’t be any other way. Police showed up but that just added to the awesomeness of the night, how many weddings can you say have had the police come out to tell you to quieten down?

And onto the Geeky Stuff
So as well an awesome weekend celebrating a wedding at a festival, there was actually quite a few more game confirmations and leaks. Well technically some of these were a little older than during the past 7 days, but we’ve been pretty damn busy with life outside of gaming (Wedding prep being an obvious reason), And I’ve had a heck of a fortnight at work, so we’ve had to sit back a little on the site in the build up to the biggest week in gaming with E3 fast approaching. Here’s a little run down of what’s been going on:
Need for Speed: Payback Confirmed
After a year break, EA’s racer Need for Speed will be back in the Winter of 2017 with Need for Speed Payback. The last title in the series looked the business, but has an obvious flaw in that you had to be online to play it. This year EA are boasting that you won’t need to be online to play this game. Wooo I guess? This shouldn’t be a feature to boast about in game reveals to be honest, but I’m glad that this game will be playable offline.
Mario X Rabbids – It’s real
Rumours a while back pointed to a Nintendo & Ubisoft collaboration with Nintendo’s mascots combining with Ubisoft’s larger than expected Rabbids. Why we couldn’t get a Nintendo and Rayman collab instead I don’t know. But here we are.
Far Cry 5
And staying with Ubisoft, but reporting a little bit older news. Far Cry 5 had a full reveal. It wasn’t the cowboy / western theme game that was rumoured. In my opinion it’s a lot more interesting. It’s religious cult inspired villagers in Montana. It’s already causing a heck of alot of controversy with a lot of people wanting the game to be cut and suggesting they will boycott Ubisoft games from now on. I’m actually pretty interested in this game, it’s a change of pace from previous Far Cry titles. It’s nice when they mix it up a little. Primal to me was a good game despite reusing the map from 4. But the setting and leveling up with unique new weapons made the game feel fresh to me. Especially riding fucking sabretooth tigers. So I’m all for more Far Cry in new settings and environments.
– Murr