Once upon a time Nintendo were the main event for me, but so much changed this generation with the PS4 and WiiU. I still adore Nintendo, but the hype doesn’t surround me as much as it did those years ago. But I still appreciate the games they put out and am desperate to buy a Switch. Nintendo were very clever in announcing a lot of Nintendo Directs in the weeks leading up to E3. One focusing on Nindies, one focusing on Arms, one specifically for Pokken and Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun. So this spotlight should focus on looking at those games a little more and potentially some new games due to hit the Switch.
Nintendo have the luxury of being the last to showcase their games, and they are in their own little bubble right now, seemingly not competing with either Sony or Microsoft. Heck, Microsoft featured a Switch in their conference. Nintendo are also in a position they’ve not been since the Wii, they have a console that is selling faster than they can get onto shop floors. Some are saying this E3 has been a bit of a less exciting one, with Ubisoft being the best conference. If that is the case there is even less pressure here for Nintendo, just hammer home the games from their plethora of famous IP, hopefully throw in a little 3rd party support and the job is done.
Here’s how Nintendo’s spotlight went:
We start off with a nice montage of games coming out that are announced with a few surprises. Arms, Rocket League, Fifa, Pokken, Splatoon 2.
Now onto Reggie from his… living room? It’s not where you can take your game, but where your game can take you!
Monoloth Soft logo appears, we’re getting a fresh look at Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Coming Holiday 2017.
Onto a first look trailer. Kirby for Switch is revealed. No other title for it, it’s coming in 2018.
Onto a special announcement from the Pokémon Company, it’s a little preview and snippet about Pokken Tournament DX. One more announcement. A core Pokémon RPG title for Nintendo switch is in development, It won’t be out for over a year, but it’s happening. This year’s show is mostly focusing on 2017 release games. But don’t fear this as there is a lot of work on other games.
METROID PRIME 4 is confirmed in development for Nintendo Switch. No gameplay, just a look at the logo.
Onto another new reveal. Yoshi Woooly world looks like, coming for Switch. Visually it is simply stunning. Again no title, just Yoshi, coming in 2018.
Onto Koei-Temco logo now, Fire Emblem Warriors gets a trailer, it’s Fall 2017.
Over to Eiji Anouma, he mentions about the select Legend of Zelda items in Skyrim. Now we get a look at the DLC for Breath of the Wild. The 4 champions from DLC 2 Ballad of Champions will be available as Amiibo.
Reggie introduces us to the eSports segment from Nintendo’s games. There’s a Splatoon 2 tournament, Pokken invitational and ARMS tournament.
We now get another look at Mario X Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.
Next up, a look at Rocket League for Switch. Featuring Nintendo Items and exclusive items. Has cross play, coming out in 2017. Local wireless multiplayer for the Switch version.
And onto the main event and assume show closer. Mario Odyssey. Coming 27th October 2017. And with that they’re finished. A short put to the point showing from Nintendo revealing some new entrants to franchises, bombshells with Pokémon Switch and Metroid Prime 4. Now Nintendo will be showcasing all their games in the Nintendo Tree House.
– Murr