Geekly Review #242

What year is it? One half of GSRR has gone back in time rediscovering their love for some classics. Here’s what we’ve been up to this week. Pokemon Red I did query what year it was. Recently Matthew Estes from…

Jurassic World Evolution Review

I can still remember vividly when I first watched Jurassic Park in the cinema, it was a friend’s birthday and there used to this rickety old cinema in a village not far from where I lived. The room shook as…

Geekly Review #241

This summer is awesome, so much heat. Granted it has resulted in less video gaming for me, but I have had a few sessions on some new games as of late. Here’s what we’ve both been up to. Constructor Years…

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Review

Obsidian Entertainment have a pretty good track record for RPG’s – South Park: The Stick of Truth, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2, Fallout: New Vegas to name just a few. They’re back with a sequel to the…

Tao Long Review

Tao Long is a game of cat and mouse for two players, except that you’re both cats and mice at the same time trying to outsmart and defeat each other, but you’re also not those things because you’re actually dragons.…

Geekly Review #240

The sun is still beaming down on us with a heat that will make most people never want to play games, but I’m still going strong! Diablo 3 The Steam Summer Sale has been and gone, and to be honest…

Video Games: A Second Chance

“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad” A pretty famous quote in the world of gaming. But in this day and age is it actually true? The release date for No Man’s Sky’s NEXT…

Geekly Review #239

World Cup fever is still very high, as is the temperature, but we’re still finding time to game. Here’s what we’ve been up to. Assassins Creed Syndicate Yep, you read that right, Syndicate and not Origins. So I’m not a…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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