Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Review

Rokugan is a land of Samurai a land where honour is strong. You will wage war with the other clans, using steel, cunning and deception to outsmart your opponent in this living card game. Players: 2Age Rating: 14+Time to play: 45-90…

Geekly Review #271

It’s safe to say that my new job has definitely an impact on content. I’m still trying to get settled in to my new role and that will probably take a while, until then things may be a bit more…

Geekly Review #270

Two big games hit the ‘shelves’ this weekend and we’ve been checking them out! Time for another round up. Metro Exodus I was a big fan of the previous Metro games, they were solid, atmospheric and scary FPS games that…

Unruly Heroes: PC review

A look at Unruly heroes on PC. What a beautiful game with some challenging multi-character puzzles!

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Review

Daffy Duck and Porky Pig, A post apocalyptic adventure! But this ain’t no Looney Tunes episode where everyone has a silly ol’ time, this is a stealthy, sneaky, shooty adventure where the fight for survival depends on good tactical decisions…

Nintendo Direct Recap

An out of nowhere 35 minute Nintendo Direct hit us just in time for Valentines Day. Here’s a recap of what was announced. Our first reveal is for Super Mario Maker 2 coming June 2019. Yoshiaki Koizumi is on screen…

Geekly Review #269

A stealth release of a new Battle Royal game occurred last week and has since taken the gaming world by storm. It’s no secret or surprise to read then that we too are slightly obsessed with this new phenomenon… Apex…

City of Brass – Switch Review

Arabian Night…….mares… It’s kind of a thrilling chase, not quite a wondrous place and I don’t think you’d be taking your princess on a date here. City of Brass Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PS4, Steam, Xbox OneRelease Date: 8/2/2019 (Switch) Out Now elsewherePlayers: 1Age…

Riot: Civil Unrest – PS4 Review

I predict a riot… Ever wanted to stick it to the man, but also enjoy not breathing in tear gas? Riot: Civil Unrest could be for you… Riot: Civil Unrest Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox OneRelease Date: 5/2/2019 (Steam/PS4 NA),…

Geekly Review #268

Before we get in to this week’s round up a little update from myself is in order. I’m starting a new job in a week’s time and it may cause a little disruption to my time for writing and generally…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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