Draugen Review

In Norwegian Folklore the appearance of Draugen – the re-animated corpse of a drowned mariner, heralds death. Draugen haunts the black seas in a shattered boat, the beast has a mans body and wears a sou’wester. But instead of a…

Geekly Review #284

This week has a very heavy theme of shooters for some reason… Insurgency: Sandstorm Insurgency: Sandstorm was one of my favourite games of last year and is still pretty high up the list for current favourite games that I’m keeping…

Community roundup #3

It’s time to share some more love from the gaming world in another roundup of community content! Video Game Culture: Crash Course https://backlogcrusader.blog/2019/05/22/the-changing-landscape-of-video-game-culture/ Backlog Crusader explores the shift of video game culture in the mainstream media. “When am I not…

World of Warcraft Classic: The hype is real

On the 27th August 2019, with an active WoW subscription you’ll be able to login to World of Warcraft, Classic. Many people have been excited about the soon to be released Classic World of Warcraft, and getting their hands back…

Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows, the bad guys are back

Another year and yet another expansion, the next Hearthstone expansion is upon us already. Rise of shadows brings more cards, more characters, and more mechanics. The latest expansion sees some of the game’s most notorious villains getting up to no…

Geekly Review #283

Another week bites the dust, we move closer to E3, yet once again more news has already started filtering out via both official means and leaks, Here’s a roundup of our week and news What we’ve been up to… Shadow…

Anno 1800 Review

Just like Brunel when he built the Clifton Suspension Bridge and the SS Great Britain, I too will leave my mark on this (virtual) world as I try to become a master of production during the industrial revolution. Developer: Publisher:…

Fallout Wasteland Warfare – Review

Fallout comes to your tables with this Skirmish based combat focused board game, but does it have the potential to be S.P.E.C.I.A.L or not? This product was provided for free. What’s it about? Fallout Wasteland Warfare sees the beloved Fallout…

Geekly Review #282

So, somehow it’s pretty much a month till E3 2019, How has 2019 gone this quick? There was a few new announcements in the last week however. Here’s a wrap up of the last week from what we’ve been up…

My PS4 – A Generation Look Back

It might well last another 2 full calendar years, but something feels like we are definitely hitting the end of this console generation soon. Sony’s first party studios have for the most part now delivered their latest hits with a…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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