A month to go to E3, an E3 in which Sony will be absent. This year feels like it’ll be important with regards to the next generation of consoles from Microsoft and Sony, so it seems odd sitting this one out. But Sony are going to continually drip feed us news when they deem it worthy, and here we are two months after the last State of Play with an apparently short 10 minute briefing of Medievil, supposedly a new game reveal and re-reveal of an already announced game from a while back. Predictions? New Ratchet and Clank for the new announcement and FFVII Remake as re re-reveal. Here’s how far off the mark I was.
First up looks like Monster Hunter, DLC perhaps? Capcom logo pops up so it must be Monster Hunter related. Reminiscent of Frozen Wilds DLC for Horizon. Monster Hunter World IceBourne is the official title. 6th of September 2019. It’s a massive DLC.
Onto our next game, which is a cross over from various indie games such as Bastion, Guacamelee and Shoverl Knight. It’s called RiverBond.
Next is a new Sony Interactive World Wide Studios game. Predator… Hunting Grounds coming 2020. It’s an asymmetrical multiplayer action game.
Onto Medievil coming to PS4 this fall.
Another new game next coming to PS4. First guess, it’s Wild, but as the trailer goes on, nope. It’s called ‘Away’ and it’s a survival game playing as some sort of animal.
Days of Play segment next looking at a new limited edition PS4.
Onto the final re-reveal at a new look at a long awaited game. It is Final Fantasy 7 Remake. More to be seen in June.
And that’s it. Short and sweet.

Dude my body is so ready for FFVII!!