Well, that was a busy two weeks for us with #LoveIndies and E3 hitting at the same time! I hope you enjoyed the extra content, but now back to normality.
What we’ve been up to
Destiny 2
It was always going to happen, I was always going to back to playing Destiny 2, even though I haven’t played it in a few months. With all the recent announcements of cross play, the new DLC, and the new season – the season of opulence, dropping I had that itch.
Damn there is a lot to catch up on in Destiny 2 now, and every week there seems to be a hell of a load of content to get through, I can finally start working through the forges which are short pve instances which are essentially waved based horde modes – they’re pretty fun. I can get stuck in to the brand new pve mode menagerie – I don’t actually know what it entails yet as I’ve not tried it. The future of Destiny is looking in excellent shape right now.
From Bungie’s latest live steam where they revealed the upcoming DLC Shadowkeep, it was pretty clear from the not so subtle jabs that they felt Activision were holding them back. It’s great to see Bungie in total control of the franchise now and I can’t wait to see where it goes. Sorry, that means more Destiny content in the future…
Hell Let Loose
I backed this on Kickstarter a couple of years ago and it’s now in early access on Steam, I’ve been getting very stuck in to it over the weekend and really enjoying it so far. It still needs some work, and it does rely heavily on good team work, so if that’s not your thing you might not like it, but the WW2 FPS offers some very intense multiplayer gameplay. I made a video on it from some recent games which I think give you a pretty good flavour of what the game is like. It’s not all action and is a lot slower paced and more tactical than a lot of other shooters, but I think that’s where shines. The videos also shows what some of the community are like, spoiler, it’s good and no toxic people so far in about 14 hours of playing.
Shadow of The Tomb Raider
After a few weeks off the game due to the frantic fun that is E3, I finally got back round to Tomb Raider and have since completed it. It was a pretty fun game and once again the mechanics from the previous 2 were integrated again with some exciting quick time events to navigate and chase scenes that I don’t care to admit had to re-do a fair few times. The game is and reboot for that matter is incredibly Uncharted inspired, but Shadow seemed to really be the game that emphasised this with some of the action sequences and traversal across dangerous environments.
It did feature some pretty great moments, and I did particularly love the moment that Lara snapped upon hearing and fearing that Jonah might have been killed. The scene was just brilliant. It did also feature a part that I really hoped never to have to return to in the game, sadly you do, but without spoilers it isn’t as bad a second time round.

Overall it was a decent end (is it the end?) to this reboot trilogy. I found it more enjoyable than the 2nd game to be honest which I cannot really recall and memorable moments in? The first way back when still sticks with me in the memory due to the first of this reboot series with new look Lara and a first jump into this new Uncharted inspired world. The 2nd as mentioned just kind of blurred into the first for me. Other than one area when you have to fire trebuchet’s at ice walls. As for Shadow, it’ll stick in the memory longer due to the bad ass Lara snap and the cavern with some scary what I assume cannibals climbing walls, enough to give you nightmares.

Recommendations & Reviews
As I said at the start, it’s been a busy couple of weeks and there is lots to catch up on around here.

We posted loads of articles about Indie Games we love and you can check them all out here.
E3 2019
E3 2019 has been and gone and we covered all the shows from the event which you can also catch up on here if you missed any.
I still need to finish Rise of the Tomb Raider then Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I realised I had given up on the second partway through when Shadow came out and I feel the need to finish 2 before starting 3. However I really don’t remember it much so have been putting it off as I think starting again makes the most sense. It’s just the thought of doing that is rather annoying. It’s great hearing that 3 is worth it once I get there!