Amidst the cluster that was the Bethesda mobile & F2P E3 conference, they did go on to reveal some noteworthy new games. One of those was Ghostwire Tokyo which sadly did leak prior to the presser, but nonetheless the actual official reveal was certainly striking and full of intrigue.
What caught my attention straight away, and it might seem an obvious one was the setting for the game. The cinematic trailer showing a grey and rainy Tokyo with businessmen filling the streets with umbrellas everywhere, it set a really interesting tone for me. I’ve enjoyed exploring Far East settings in games with the likes of Shenmue & Sleeping Dogs, so any chance to explore Tokyo is very welcome for me, and I really quite like the rainy and grey settings in games, especially open world, GTA3 and GTA4 rainy days in Liberty City just had such an atmosphere, so again this is looking right up my ally (note to self, play the Yakuza games).
Then the trailer shifts tone, and It’s almost as if I’m watching an Avengers: Endgame video game. The people ‘dusting’ in the streets, then the switch to a cloaked hero wielding a bow and arrow akin to Ronin or Hawkeye if you will from Endgame. I was surprised, confused and excited.
The trailer with it’s ‘spooky’ side also gave me flashbacks to Quantic Dreams “Beyond 2 Souls”, which was a pretty spooky game in itself, but certainly wasn’t a survival horror, but a more story driven experience. I couldn’t help but notice similarities from the brief trailer we saw to Beyond 2 Souls. Not a bad thing at all in book as I found B2S to be a pretty interesting story that was I feel underrated.
We don’t know much about Ghostwire Tokyo as of yet, next to nothing in fact. It’s a supernatural game, set in Tokyo, and that much is obvious given the title. It’s being created by the studio that brought us ‘The Evil Within’, so expect it to be scary. Shinji Mikami who is the executive producer of the game was one of the original creators of Capcom’s Resident Evil series back in the day, so the notable likeness of Evil Within is straight up inspiration from RE.
Ikumi Nakamura who revealed the game on stage at E3 (and has worked on Okami, Bayonetta and Evil Within to name a few games) said on the stage “It’s spooky, but not the survival horror we are known for”.
So with little details aside other than an awesome reveal trailer, there isn’t much to know about Ghostwire Tokyo. It certainly caught my attention though and remained a highlight of E3 for me. Here’s hoping for more information soon and hoping it might sneak its way onto current generation consoles.