New Genres New Experiences

I’ve talked before about how my tastes for video games have changed over the years. For the most part I’ve just thought they changed due to factors like what my friends are playing and what we can play together. But…

Geekly Review #292

Another week goes by and another round up of games we’ve been playing is here! Nowhere Prophet This year seems to be the year of the deck-building rouge-like games for me, both with video games and tabletop games. Nowhere Prophet…

Geekly Review #291

Weekend over in a flash, here’s a roundup of our Geekly activities. PlayStation VR During the Amazon Prime day sales, I picked up something I’d been after for a while for a reasonably decent price. PlayStation VR. I opted to…

Geekly Review #290

This week has been a pretty big week for us in terms of change, and we’ll get in to that a bit later and what the future holds for us. But first let’s check out what we’ve been up to!…

Star Wars X-Wing 2nd Edition

Buckle up pilot, it’s time to dog fight in a Galaxy far, far away. Star Wars X-Wing is back with a second edition to the tactical space combat game. X-Wing Second Edition puts you in control of your own squadron of…

The GSRR Steam curator page

Here at Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat we’re always looking for ways to help people find the right games for them, be that through reviews, guides or recommendations our goal is often to give our fellow gamers some insight into whether…

Geekly Review #289

It’s been a scorcher of a week, but it’s not stopped us playing some games. Here’s what we’ve been up to. PlayStation Developers Report Yep, I’m really quite sad and will often mix my hobbies with my work skill set.…

A Song of Ice & Fire – Tabletop Miniatures Game

When you play the game of thrones, you win or die. A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game allows players to take control of their favorite Houses from the novels, and lead them into battle against their opponents.  The…

Geekly Review #288

The Steam Summer Sale has hit, but have we hit it? Well… no not really. Outward The only game I’ve picked up from the summer sale so far has been Outward and that’s because I’ve had my eye on it…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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