Roccat Kain 120 AIMO Gaming mouse review

The Roccat Kain 120 Aimo
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Comments (2)
  1. Michael says:

    Got me the Kain 120 aimo mostly for photo editing. After two years and a few month the scrolling wheel showed erratic behavior. A webpage basically jumped up and down while scrolling in one direction. Contacted Customer Service and after answering them a ton of questions, I got told we can’t do nothing as the mouse is out of warranty. Yes it was. But only a few month. I expected a little more curtesy trying to keep me as a customer on the product / brand as the mouse is praised to be reliable, almost non destructible and its in comparison not cheap. And my issue shouldn’t had happened in the first place. End of Story, left me as a dissatisfied customer, most likely buy a cheaper product, or ditch the brand entirely. 🙁

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