Coming from the Corsair Vengeance M65 – a hefty and bulky mouse, I felt like I might accidentally launch the Kone Pure Ultra across my desk with its super lightweight and sleek design. But don’t make the mistake of thinking just because it’s light that it can’t mess it with the big mice.
Product: Kone Pure Ultra – Ultra-light Ergonomic Gaming Mouse
Brand: Roccat
Price: £59.99
Colours: Black / White
This product was received for free for this Kone Pure Ultra Review.
Kone Pure Ultra

I’m no pro gamer, but I like to think I’m somewhat competitive and competent when it comes to clicking heads in FPS games and part of that comes from the hardware. Players need to feel comfortable and in control when lining up those headshots. When I first started using the Kone Pure Ultra I was a little thrown. Weighing in at just 66 grams it’s an extremely lightweight mouse. It took some getting used to. At first, I found my aim creeping up when turning left and sloping down when turning right. But after 4 years of using a mouse with weights in it, it was bound to feel a bit strange.
However, it wasn’t long before my aim started to level out and I was ‘drawing’ those smooth(er) horizontal lines across my screen when quickly having to turn around.
Lightweight & Ergonomic
The Kone Pure Ultra retains a similar look to its predecessors albeit in a much lighter package. The mouse utilises an innovative internal structure that allows for maximum comfort and agility on the surface without having to dot the surface with holes. It’s a very comfortable mouse to use and fits snugly in the palm of my hand. I’d probably say that it’s just a touch on small side for me, but I do half fairly big hands. The Ultra also features and grippy dirt-resistant coating meaning that when it gets a little tense and temperatures start to rise, you’ll still be able to hold on tight. Come on, we all get sweaty hands sometimes.
Owl-Eye Sensor

With 16,000dpi the all-new ROCCAT Owl-Eye optical sensor gives you pin-point accuracy. Furthermore, the lift-off distance for the mouse can be set as low as 1mm when using certain cloth pads.
Whilst it’s hard to quantify whether my aim has actually improved from using the Kone Pure Ultra, I do feel like it has. Additionally, I certainly feel like my mouse control is a lot smooth than it used to be. The underside of the mouse glides across my mousepad with ease, no sticking or jolting movements. This, combined with the comfort, creates an excellent user experience.
Button Clicks

I’ll be honest, my mouse wheel was on its way out on my previous mouse, so anything is an improvement. That being said, the 2D Titan Wheel functions really well. Each turn of the wheel feels distinct and deliberate, I don’t find myself turning it more or less than I’d like. Clicking the wheel is also responsive and solid.
As for the main two buttons, I have found myself accidentally clicking them a few times due to their lightweight nature. It doesn’t need much to click. Maybe the tips of my fingers are just heavy? With that in mind, the more I’ve been using the mouse – around 80 hours now, the less I’ve been doing that, so maybe it was just me needing to get used to it.
There are two additional side buttons to make use of too. As mentioned earlier, I’ve found the mouse slightly too small and therefore the side buttons took a while to figure out as they felt like they were tucked under my hand a little too much. Now I’ve adjusted to it, I’m finding them easily with my thumb and making a lot of use of them when playing Escape from Tarkov.
AIMO Illumination
The ROCCAT Logo is embedded nicely within the mouse featuring RGB colour palette. When using the mouse, you obviously don’t see the logo, but it’s still a nice touch that makes the mouse stand out. AIMO Illumination is also designed to work in conjunction with other ROCCAT products. Furthermore, it’s designed to react organically to your use and create unique illumination without the need for configuration. I’ll be honest and say that I’ve not noticed anything specific that shows that. However, the mouse is my only ROCCAT product. I do like the logo though!

Despite a few very minor negatives – the size and position of the side buttons, the ROCCAT Kone Pure Ultra will be my main mouse. It’s comfortable to use for hours on end. Offers smooth movement and precision aiming. All in all, it’s an excellent gaming mouse that won’t break the bank. It just takes a little getting used to being so lightweight. ROCCAT are delivering some excellent products across the board as we’ve already found out!