Hunt: Showdown
Youtuber Skillup recently released a video review on Hunt: Showdown and it was absolutely glowing. I have to say that pretty much wholeheartedly agree with it too, Hunt is an excellent game. Despite that, my friends and I don’t find ourselves playing it all that regularly – partly because only a few of us own it and we’ve been hooked on Escape from Tarkov.
That being said, I’ve been wanting to play more of it and over the weekend we jumped in for a couple of games. the atmosphere, the audio, the enemy design, and the guns are all so excellent in this game. Since I last played Hunt – which was pre it’s 1.0 release I think, things have changed a fair amount. There are lots of little quality of life changes such as being able to ping in-game. Additionally, there have also been loads of new items, weapons, legendary hunters, and more.
If you’re a fan of multiplayer shooters and want something a little different then I seriously suggest taking a look at Hunt: Showdown.
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
It’s been a little while since I last talked about Bannerlord. Since then I’ve started to forge my own kingdom and have been slowly starting wars with the other factions and stealing their castles from them. I’ve been playing for around 45 hours now and have had a blast. Honestly, I just really enjoy the large scale battles, I think I could almost endlessly play them. The problem I have at the moment is that the castles I have taken are quite far apart from each other, meaning if I have to start defending them, it could prove tricky.

I’ve also been dabbling with a few mods here and there to try and help elevate my experience. As of right now, I’ve added in the dismemberment mod and a few others that give you new ways to earn relationship points with other lords and ladies. They’ve been extremely easy to install and so far, I’ve not had any major issues.
Bannerlord has provided me with so many hours of fun already. With all these mods coming out almost daily. I can see that extending the life of the game for many hours more.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Another week, another update. I might end up moving onto a new game soon enough as I’ve splashed some cash, but will move onto that shortly.
Animal Crossing New Horizons is still sucking up all my free time. I’ve completely finished designing the island layout. I’ve got my areas setup and am now content with it.
My latest project now is flower hybrids. I’ve been following a 12×12 grid system split into 4 zones which seems to be the reputed best method. Here’s hoping so.
Today also marked the start of Museum celebration week. Each day you can run around the museum looking for stamps. It’s a pretty simple and trivial task but you get a nice few rewards at the end of the day when you find the stamps. It seems pointless if it’s the same think for the next 6 days or however long, but I’m wondering if doing it each day pays off with a bigger prize at the end. With that hope in mind I’ll continue to do the museum stamp task each day.
Lastly I’ve been labouring away crafting bait for the Summer months and the Summer fish. Up to 270 bait now. Will keep at it as I have a feeling there will be a lot needed.

Spend Spend Spend…
Bit of a tangent, it’s not something I’ve been playing, but it’s part of the weekly geekly things I’ve been up to. You’ll be aware I’m a fiend for physical video games and frequent Limited Run & Special Reserve a lot. Well during lockdown the purchases from both and just scouring eBay for games missing from my collection went a bit mental.
As of now ordered and due to arrive in the next days to months:
- Indigo Prophecy – PS4
- Panzer Dragoon Orta – Switch
- Kentucky Route Zero – PS4
- Hotline Miami 1 & 2 – Switch
- Streets of Rage 4 – PS4
- Star Wars Jedi Academy / Jedi Outcast – PS4
- Metal Wolf Chaos XD – PS4
- Odd World New n’ Tasty – PS4
- Alienation – PS4
- Shadow of the Beast – PS4
- Gravity Rush Remastered – PS4
My wallet says send help.
– Murr