As we hit June, we’re moving in to the month that would normally be jam packed full of E3 greatness. Let’s hope we still get to see some excellent reveals for all the independent shows happening.
Observation recently released on Steam after being available on the Epic Store for around a year (I think). With its steam release came an introductory sale price. As this was a game I’d had my eye on for a little while I decided now was the time to pick it up.

In Observation, you play as the AI aboard a space station where a catastrophe of some sort has taken place. The station has taken a lot of damage. The crew aren’t responding. Furthermore, you’re not able to speak with Houston. Something isn’t right at all. It’s your job to help Dr. Emma Fisher uncover what happened and where the rest of the crew are.
You will take control of the station systems, camera tools, and computers in order to solve the mystery. Additionally, you’ll be solving puzzles and assisting Emma as she tries desperately to find out where her crewmates are.

I’ve heard that the game is fairly short and so far I’m around 2 hours in. Which I think is probably halfway (ish). Up to this point, it has been an interesting journey. I’m really enjoying the mystery in the story. Together with the puzzles – of which was fun and varied, Observation has been a good game and I’m looking forward to uncovering the mystery.
Escape from Tarkov
Late last week we got the announcement that Escape from Tarkov was wiping. What this means is that everyone’s progress gets reset. All players go back to level 1 and have to start all over again. Furthermore, with the wipe, there have been a number of changes to the core of the game revolving around the acquisition of loot.
Prior to the wipe, the developers usually run a few special events. This time around we had an event where all Scavs – which are basically low geared AI, were replaced by Raiders, who are high geared, more aggressive and tactical AI. It creates for a lot of carnage.
There was also the addition of all vendor items being available to purchase stupidly cheap prices. Guns that were previously 80 thousand roubles, dropped to 55 roubles. Grenades were about 1 rouble each. What this means is that everyone becomes super geared in all the best items. It’s fun for a while, but it does get a bit mad.
Now the wipe has taken place and it’s really fun being back to square one. Having friends all being in the same boat, trying to complete the same quests has been really good fun this weekend. The only way I can really describe it, is like starting one of your favourite single-player games all over again, but this time knowing how you can do better.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Its Wedding Season…. apparently. Yes, In Animal Crossing the last of the updates has started from the batch of reveals from April. Wedding Season sees you visiting Harv’s Island and creating a nice backdrop for Animal Crossing cult hero’s Cyrus & Reese. Once you’ve made the venue look as swish as you can, take some pictures and you are rewarded with some heart fragments that you use to collect special wedding furniture. It shouldn’t take long to attain the set, although somehow this morning when exchanging some for some wall items, when I returned home they weren’t in my inventory or home storage. So that’s odd.

That does mean that Museum day(s) has come to an end. While fun initially, it was a bit repetitive, especially as you only earned the same prizes over and over.
And with June 1st, we’ve hit WHALE SEASON (in the Northern Hemisphere) so hope you’ve all been stock piling your bait. I blew 40 this morning and in return got a whale shark, saw shark and eel. Not sure if that’s a great return on investment or not as yet. But It does mean my hours in AC will peak again just as they were starting to dwindle down and I found myself returning to my PS4.
Mad Max
Yes, I returned to Mad Max on PS4, which I got for Christmas, started in January, and have been dabbling with since.

Given my patchy dealing with it, I’ve actually kinda forgotten the story a bit, so I’m playing on not remembering much. But I just won a death race which was a proper story mission, and have since found out that the upgrades in some bases can be applied to all bases, so I now have the ammo reload perk at 3 of the hideouts, so fast traveling back to any restocks me for eventual enemy camp raids.
Almost cleared 3 of the territories completely of Scrotus patrols, which is rewarding, given I didn’t think I’d ever get that far as it’s quite a daunting (and Far Cry reminiscent) task. Mainly getting Mad Max out the way now. So I can move onto The Last of Us II, Ghost of Tsushima and Iron Man VR in the coming months ( as well as finish my Christmas backlog)
– Murr