There might not be an E3 to look forward to in June 2020, but there is a Summer Game Fest that’s underway and one of the marquee events is this. The Future of gaming courtesy of Sony PlayStation 5. Here’s a summary of the event.
We have cider, we are hyped, we’re also not sure how it’s been 7 years this year since we got our launch PS4. We are now realising we’re old. Moving on here we go…
As is tradition with PlayStation events, we begin by running late.
First we see a white box with blue patterns on screen, the box changes to a triangle, then a circle. It’s not my initial guess at the console design.
The video starts with the classic PS1 noise and a look at games throughout the PlayStations life from 94 to date. A nice intro montage.
OH MY GOD… GTA5 starts the show. Yes GTA5. Expanded and enhanced coming to PS5 in 2021. Wow… Weird.
Jim Ryan is our first presenter. He discusses the importance of GTA on PlayStation. The content today showcases how PS5 has inspired developers. Games are doing the talking now.
All game footage is from PS5 from now.
SPIDER-MAN 2, with Miles as the playable protag. And wow does it look good. Holiday 2020… that’s…. this year… Wow.
Next up over to Polyphony Digital with Gran Turismo news video. Gran Turismo is back! Gran Turismo 7. It looks like GT3’s campaign menu. The HUD looks like Sport very much.
A new trailer up next, a colourful world. Ratchet and Clank. Wow, this looks stunning, absolutely stunning. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is the title.
Square-Enix logo on screen next. What have we got here? looks like a new IP? It is, Project Athia. Exclusively for PS5
Annapurna interactive logo next (I love these guys). R.I.P Humans message spray painted on a wall. Robots living as if the only inhabitants on the planet. Looking interesting here. We’re following a cat around this world. It’s called Stray, this looks nice. 2021 release.
Some information about the PS5 on screen next, some of its features of the controller. Over to Herman Hulst next to discuss the ‘horse power’ the PS5 and how easy it is to develop for. He introduces a new franchise from Sony world wide studios exclusively for PS5.
Its Housemarquees game. And interestingly Herman annonced it as a PlayStation Studios game. Did Sony acquire Housemarque? The game is called Returnal
Another PlayStation Studios title, this time… Sumo Digital? Another acquisition? SackBoys Big Adventure. This is excellent and out of nowhere.
Another PlayStation Studios game from Lucid games? Another acquisition? None of these are confirmed. Looks like a crazy twisted metal-ish game. Destruction Allstars is the name.
Brothers from a studio called Ember Lab are on next to reveal their new game. Getting kind of Kameo vibes from it initially.
Next trailer is dinosaur people in a 2d cartoon trailer, yes, dinosaur people. From Ko_op. Goodbye Volcano high, coming 2021.
Lorne Lanning from Oddworld Inhabitants on screen next. Abes back!
Tango Gameworks up next. Ghostwire Tokyo is still alive. It’s coming in 2021.
A game from superbrothers up next. Carve out a future for a people haunted by oblivion propelled by dreams. Has a bit of a No Mans Sky vibe to it. Jett the farshore, coming out this year.
To a game we’ve seen before. Godfall.
Annapurna interactive back on the screen. Solar Ash, coming in 2021.
IoI next, a new Hitman game? Or a new IP? It’s Hitman. Hitman III Death Awaits. Coming January 2021.
Looks like we’re getting a look at a new PlayStation Studios game. More Astrobot! Awesome. Astros Playroom. No date on that however sadly.
Onto a smaller looking title (enjoying the mix of triple A to indie games being shown here). This looks like a survival game. Little Devil Inside.
Over to a game I’ll probably pick up. NBA2K21.
Next up, a strawberry with eyes running around and meeting another strawberry. Nope my cider isn’t kicking in, I’m really watching this. Then a walrus eats it… okay. Welcome to the Island of Bugsnax from the creators of OctoDad.
Wooo, Here’s Yoshida. Something near and dear to him before the end of the show. It’s a PlayStation studios game. Demon Souls remake (So bluepoint games acquired?)
Arkane Studios up next with their new game. Deathloop
His story comes to a close…This is Silent Hill isn’t it? It’s got to be. Or Resident Evil 8? Either way, this looks like a trip. Its Resident Evil Village (or 8) Wow…Coming 2021
We move to Pragmata next, which has a Death Stranding vibe, coming in 2022.
A PlayStation Studios game. Sony Interactive Entertainment Presents….That’s Aloy’s voice…Its Horizon 2. WOW. Horizon: Forbidden West is the official title. Good grief there are robotic mammoths.
Welcome to PlayStation 5…. is this the reveal of the console… oh boy. (Cider is well and truly kicking in now). Yes it is. WOW. That is some alien looking hardware. There are 2 models, one without a disc drive.

We’re back to Jim Ryan to see the show out. We’re launching later this year, with tons more to share. Welcome to PlayStation 5.
Well that was a pretty epic display of what Sony have been working on. I can’t wait.
– Murr