The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
I’ve had my eye on this game for a couple of months now ever since it popped up on my radar when looking around for upcoming games this year. Last year a couple of episodes were released of which I didn’t play. However, the full game recently released and gave it a play over the weekend on stream.
Essentially, you play through the life of Sir Brante, a lowborn boy born into a family with ‘some’ highborn credentials. From age 0 you are in control and get to decide what path Sir Brante takes. Who you will make friends with, who will be your enemies. Ultimately the game is about decided your ‘lot’ which is whether you’re low born or a Noble.
There is a hell of a lot of reading to this game and it plays out much more like an interactive novel more than anything else.
I’m currently in the middle of chapter two at the age of 14 and have enjoyed the game up to now. The story has been engaging and full of micro-choices that have had small impacts and possibly some larger ones yet to play out. The writing does a good job of making you feel about a lot of the characters – there are some I already very much hate.
If you enjoy a lot of reading and playing through interactive stories where you can make loads of choices then I’d suggest taking a closer look at The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante.
Circuit Superstars
Another game I’ve had my eye on for a little while also released over the weekend as a bit of a surprise. I first got to play Circuit Superstars back at EGX a couple of years back and really enjoyed the simplistic, top-down(ish) racing game. It was good, casual fun.
With both online and offline racing to take part in across a number of tracks and various cars to choose from, there is already a fair bit to check out even this early into early access. Additionally, there are various arcade and time-trial modes to play as well.
I really love the simply low poly style of the game. Plus, it’s easy to pick up making it one of those games you can easily dip in and out of. I can see it being a game I play similar to Rocket League acting as a bit of a break from the normal games I play when I want something to just kind of chill out with.