There have been a couple of new releases we’ve been checking out this week.
Before We Leave
Before We Leave is a non-violent city building game which just released last week on Steam. With its charming visuals and interesting looking hex-grid style building systyem I was intrigued to try it out.

Like many city-builders – including our recently reviewed Endzone, Before We Leave is sort of post-apocalyptic. Having said that, it doesn’t really look or feel like it. Yes, there are some dilapidated remains of civilisations long lost to time and nature. But it has a nice clean and fresh feel to it.
After spending a few hours with it over the weekend I can see a lot of potential. With big tech trees to discover, shipping routes to plan after colonising new islands and a lot more still to discover. There is already a nice amount of depth to the game. However, it’s the more casual and chilled out nature of Before We Leave that really appealled to me.

Whilst you have your peeps needs to tend to, it’s got a slower-paced feel to the game. There doesn’t feel like there’s any immediate danger – even if you start to get low on food. Which is something I’ve really enjoyed so far. You’re free to tackle things at your own pace. This actually allows you some more time to plan out a nice-looking town. Perhaps this will change later down the line, or with different scenarios. But for now, I’m really enjoying this relaxing and charming city-building game.
Season of the Splicer – Destiny 2

It has been a little while since I’ve spent any real amount of time playing Destiny 2. After skipping the previous season I was feeling that itch to jump back in. Thankfully, my timing couldn’t have been better with Season of the Splicer releasing last week.
With the new season comes new loot to earn, new story missions that will unfold as the weeks go by. Furthermore, is the new 6-man activity Override. The first thing people might notice is the new visual style that is accompanying the activity. It looks awesome. Additionally, the shaders and new weapon styles look excellent too.
So far, so good. I’m really loving playing Destiny again and I’m enjoying the new activity whilst additionally clearing up the odd old quest here and there. The new weapons seem to be the highlight for now with each one feeling really good to use. I’m looking forward to seeing the season progress.
Somehow, once again Destiny 2 has got me hooked again.