Beyerdynamic TYGR 300 R – Review

After having two Corsair headsets eventually break on me – admittedly after a lot of use and some drops, I’m partially to blame. I thought it was time to try something a little different. With some internet sleuthing of recommendations…

The curious case of Star Citizen

Star Citizen has been in development and playable for around 7 years now and it still seems like it’s way off of being delivered. That being said, there is also a galaxy with lots to offer and explore. An emergent…

Vampire Survivors is amazing

Saturday night our group WhatsApp received a message it read “Guys, Vampires Survivors, goty”. At this point, I had no idea what Vampire Survivors was and had assumed this may be a joke about a terrible game. How wrong I…

More People Should Try Temtem

With all the chatter around Pokemon Legends: Arceus, it got me in the mood to jump back into Temtem after some months. Since I last played the game there have been multiple large updates. Including the addition of the sixth…

Hidden Deep Early Access Review

Abseiling down into a pitch-black cavern you hear the screams of something inhuman. From the shadows, grotesque creatures emerge. Crawling, flying, jumping all of them trying to get to you. Your unsteady shots ring out across the darkness in hopes…

New World is the perfect casual break

Almost 4 months after launch and after a little break. New World seems to have settled into a role of being a cosy little getaway game for me. Wandering around the luscious vistas of Aeternum picking up odd jobs here…

GTFO Review

We’re on an express elevator to hell, going down. Aliens character Hudson summarises many of my feelings when playing GTFO. Panic, fear, paranoia, and losing the will to keep fighting. These are all things I’ve felt with every drop down…

The Rise of the Hardcore Shooter

There seems to be a shift in attitudes towards the more hardcore/tactical shooters as of late. Where in the past they were a little more niche, they’re now breaking more and more into the mainstream of our gaming lives. It’s…

Most Anticipated Indie Games Coming 2022

A new year is here and as I look back at similar posts for games that were meant to release in 2021 I can’t help but wonder how many of these games will come out this year. I’m sure some…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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