Late To The Party: Watch_Dogs 2

A return to the late to the party series that I’ve dabbled in over the years is a game that came out in the winter of 2016, and a follow up to one of this generations most hyped games which…

E3 2017: Rumours Leaks & Confirmations

Last year the wheels fell off the bus a few days before the start of E3 and leaks and confirmations of games started to appear. This year it’s not so much leaks, but we’re already getting confirmations of games and…

E3 2016 – Ubisoft Conference Summary

  So Microsoft had a strong showing earlier in the evening, although a lot of the news was previously leaked. Next up is Ubisoft who had been quite tight barring the Watch_Dogs mess up by IGN. However a few hours…

E3 2016: Ubisoft – What to Expect?

  Ubisoft at E3 is normally a pretty predictable affair for one reason only. Assassins Creed. Usually you know that Assassins Creed will be part of the Ubisoft show case. And as-well as that you know they end their conference…

Assassins Creed Syndicate PS4 Bundle and Dreadful Crimes Trailer

  We’re approaching “Holiday” season and with it the bundles, deals, marketing campaigns all ramp up and are announced. Here we go then. Sony have today announced the Assassins Creed Syndicate PS4 1TB bundle that’ll come with a free digital…

E3 2015 Awards

It saddens me to type it, but E3 2015 is over. We’ve had incredible highs and a fair few lows but the joyous week of E3 has finished. We’ve had time to go over what we’d seen and come to…

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Special Editions

Less than 24 hours after the announcement of the latest Assassin’s Creed game, we have already been ‘treated’ to four different special editions of the game! Ubisoft’s official site lists the Standard Edition for £49.99, and the Gold Edition for…

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

The next game in the Assassins Creed saga has been officially announced over on the Ubisoft website. Assassins Creed Syndicate set in 1868 takes you to London set during the Industrial Revolution. You will be playing as Jacob Frye who…

Errors, Glitches and Bugs, Oh My!

Grand Theft Auto V, Destiny, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, DriveCLUB. You’d be forgiven for thinking that I’m making a list of some of the biggest game releases, or a potential ‘GOTY’ list. What I’m actually listing…

10-20 More Years of Assassin’s Creed?

Ubisoft have discussed the story of the next 10-20 years of Assassin’s Creed titles. They hope to hope to include a greater focus on the series modern day time line than last year’s Assassins Creed Unity. This is something I’d be…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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