Geekly Review #108

  A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. Episode #108 Thursday 19th November saw the release of Star Wars battlefront. In the GSRR headquarters 2 padawans were pretty hyped for the release. Unfortunately only one team member…

Microtransactions coming to Destiny – but it might not be all bad

An article popped up on last night comfirming that as of next week Tess Everis will be back in the tower and she will be bringing some cosmetic stuff with her! We’re bringing Tess back. We’ve already said that…

Geekly Review #99

We are less than a week away from EGX and we’re getting pretty excited. We shall be there for three days… well more like two and a half, but whatever! As you can probably guess I’ve been playing a lot…

Geekly Review #98

I’m thinking our weekends are about to start getting a lot more Geeky with the season of games upon us! As you can probably guess I’ve been playing quite a bit of the 2.0 update for Destiny over the last…

Destiny – What’s New in The Taken King

Destiny’s biggest expansion to date – The Taken King is close, coming along with it is update 2.0. Bungie are promising a lot of big changes in both, so here is a run through all the major changes you need…

Destiny – Crucible Preview Event

Some of you may already know, but in preparation for Destiny’s latest expansion The Taken King, Bungie are releasing an update on the 8th September – thought to be about 8gb, to prepare for when the new DLC drops on…

Destiny’s Damage Control

Bungie have been under some very intense pressure of the last week. Firstly there was up roar over the pricing of The Taken King – £40 on its own. Then there is the Collector’s Edition which costs a hefty £80…

Destiny and the disastrous interview

Some of you may have already heard about the car crash of an interview that Luke Smith gave to Eurogamer. We will get to that in a moment, first let’s take a quick look at some of the issues that…

Destiny – The Taken King

Details of Destiny’s next expansion seem to be leaking all over the place at the moment. The latest leak revealed by many including Kokatu has spilled the beans on The Taken King, which looks likely to be the name of the…

Destiny: House of Wolves – Review

The Dark Below was disappointing. It had some good ideas, but in the end it just felt like it was lacking. Bungie are looking to avoid making the same mistakes with expansion II, House of Wolves. There are a total…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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