Fallout Wasteland Warfare – Review

Fallout comes to your tables with this Skirmish based combat focused board game, but does it have the potential to be S.P.E.C.I.A.L or not? This product was provided for free. What’s it about? Fallout Wasteland Warfare sees the beloved Fallout…

Why I love Fallout 4 & Impressions

Fallout 3 is one of my favourite games. Searching every little nook and cranny in the hopes of finding an easter egg or a special weapon or just something amusing and a little random was all part of the fun…

Fallout 4 – The Wanderer Trailer

Is it 10th November yet, because I really want it to be. No? Ok, well maybe this new trailer for Fallout 4 will help. That’s right a brand new trailer popped up last night for the hugely anticipated Fallout 4…

E3 2015 – Bethesda Roundup

So here we are. Post Betheada show, their first ever one and wow what a show it was. Pete Hines takes to the stage to start things off, he gives a nice intro to the show, and then introduces Marty…

Fallout 4 Revealed – Trailer

  Well, not much more to say. Fallout 4 has been officially revealed, here’s the trailer. Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnn2rJpjar4       Good news being no sign of cross gen. Just PS4, XboxOne and PC. More to be shown at E3!…

Bethesda – “Please Stand By” – Fallout News Incoming

  Bethesda Games have sent out a cryptic tweet informing us to please stand by.   Shortly after the tweet a countdown began on http://fallout.bethsoft.com/ . It began on 24 hours. Fallout 4? Fallout HD Collection. This time tomorrow we’ll…

E3 2015 Hype – Bethesda

It’s going to happen right? Fallout 4, Elder Scrolls VI, Doom, something else totally awesome and mind blowing! Please let it happen, for me? I’d even settle for one of those – preferably Fallout 4. CHOOO CHOOO ALL ABOARD THE…

Bethesda Are Going to E3

Yesterday Bethesda officially confirmed that they will be hosting there first ever conference at this years E3 in June. Announced on the Bethesda blog they said:- We’re hosting our first-ever E3 Showcase in Hollywood, CA on June 14th and we’ve…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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