Woah, 300 Geekly Reviews, that’s a lot of nerdiness. It must continue! Noita Almost a year a go I wrote about Noita being one to watch as it looked like a fun rogue-lite where every pixel is physically simulated in…
A Journey Through World of Warcraft Classic – Part 2
World of Warcraft Classic has been with us a few weeks now and it’s time to check in on how the Classic experience is going. Level Playing Field I’m going to be completely honest here and say that exactly what…
State of Play 3 Summary
It’s seemingly been ages since news from Sony, despite their appearances at Gamescom and TGS, no real bulky news has come from them for a while. I’m not expecting earth shattering announcements tonight, but I cannot wait to see The…
Geekly Review #298
It’s darker in mornings, and getting darker quicker in evenings, Summer is passing which means the silly season for gaming is approaching. Checkout what we we’ve been up to over the week. Heave Ho On Saturday evening after a few…
Bristol Gaming Market
The Bristol Gaming Market is the UK’s newest gaming market from Replay Events and will be coming to the Passenger Shed Sunday 22nd September! Tickets are available for as little as £5! Plus a small booking fee… but still £5!…
Geekly Review #297
The nights are noticeably getting darker and it’s getting colder. Which means it’s the season where you should no longer feel guilty about staying in and playing games! Children of Morta Children of Morta released last week and it is…
The Pressures of Content Creation
We’ve been running our site for almost 6 years now during that time we’ve had the opportunity to meet game developers, build relationships with them and review their games. We’ve been recognised as ‘Press’ for events, we’ve met loads of…
Geekly Review #296
It’s September which means we’ve officially hit the silly season for video games. It’s only a few days until the big hits start coming and it isn’t going to stop until Christmas. But that does mean lots to play and…
A Journey Through Classic – Part 1
The stage was set ‘Pearbit’ the troll was ready to hit the mean streets of World of Warcraft Classic and see what all the ‘fuss’ was about with a 15 year old game hitting the reset button and starting again.…
Gamescom 2019 Highlight – Moons of Madness
A very welcome and unexpected highlight of Gamescom was spotting the ‘photo op’ cut out for Moons of Madness. The game stand it self was hidden out of the way with 2 representatives almost hiding the stand it was playable…