Geekly Review #78

Good morning everyone! Just me this week as now it’s Murrs turn to have a little holiday. First things first, the Geekly Review will be changing ever so slightly. With summer coming up, and the weather (hopefully) improving, we are…

Errors, Glitches and Bugs, Oh My!

Grand Theft Auto V, Destiny, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, DriveCLUB. You’d be forgiven for thinking that I’m making a list of some of the biggest game releases, or a potential ‘GOTY’ list. What I’m actually listing…

Geekly Review #77

Hello there! Yes, I’m back after my holiday hiatus, and yes I had a lovely time thank you for asking. I’m also on my own this week, Murr is still about, but he wasn’t really being much of geek this…

Geekly Review #71

Monday’s are a bit rubbish aren’t they? Oh well, not much we can do about it. But it does mean it’s Geekly Review time. So, you know. Swings and roundabouts, every cloud, and all that jazz. Friday night we watched Fury,…

UK Games Chart Week 5

  New month, However that doesn’t mean any new games. The charts look all too similar to last weeks with PS4 GTAV again remaining the top of the gaming chart. COD Advanced Warfare PS4 version reclaims number 2. Sunset Overdrive…

GTA V Heists finally announced!

Yes, you read that correctly, Rockstar have officially confirmed that heists are on the way for GTA Online. They will be releasing in early 2015, so no solid date yet. IGN were able to speak with GTA Online producer and lead…

Geekly Review #59

Tis the season for Christmas parties. But not mine, that’s this week. It was Meg’s party on Friday night, which meant I had a solid nights gaming ahead of me. I started out with some This War of Mine. I…

Geekly Review #56

Ok November, you need to slow down a bit. Where is the time going? On Friday I spent most of the evening playing Destiny. Friday always sees the return of Xur and his lovely exotics, I had 21 strange coins…

GTA V Release Dates Confirmed

Rockstar have just officially announced the release dates for the Xbox One, PS4, and PC version of GTA V. They have also provided some details of what we can expect to see in the new version. GTA V will be…

GTA Online Heists Delayed

Want to go robbing banks and jewelry stores with your buddies online? Well you’re going to have to wait. The much anticipated online heists have yet again been delayed, and there is no expected timeline on when they will surface.…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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