Geekly Review #83

After a Bank holiday weekend, a normal weekend just goes far too quickly… As you can probably guess I’m still playing a lot of the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Although I did get an invite to the Fable Legends beta…

Lego Dimensions (AKA Lego Skylanders / Amiibo / Infinity)

“EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!” The toys for videogame market is about to have another entrant. After the success of Skylanders, Disney Infinity and more recently Nintendo Amiibo, Lego are throwing their creation into the mix. Lego Dimensions. It’ll be hitting Wii U/PS4/XB1/360/PS3…

Geekly Review #40

Good morning geeks, did you have a good weekend? Here’s the usual round up of ours. On Friday, due to some good news at work, and it being pay weekend, Meg treated to me to an excellent meal out at…

Geekly Review #9

Well another week, and Christmas has been and gone. Check out GSRR’s latest and last Geekly review of the year… Okay so from my last update I’ve already stopped on Ni No Kuni. It’s a curse. Despite enjoying a game…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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