Geekly Review #186

Morning Geeks. This week it’s just me as Will is off relaxing and recharging after a very special weekend in which we celebrated his wedding. So there wasn’t an awful lot of Geekly activities this weekend really. I managed to…

Geekly Review #146

Another week down and summer is almost gone. I bet you can’t guess what we’ve been playing this week?!? No Man’s Sky No Man’s Sky is flavour of the month right now, the problem is, is it’s kind of for…

Nintendo Direct Summary

  Nintendo’s first Nintendo Direct conference of 2015 has wrapped up and they did bring us bombs. Here’s a round up of the European Direct: First up we’re told that there will be a new Fire Emblem game for the…

Mario, Peach, Donkey Kong & Yoshi Amiibo Compatible With Mario Kart 8

  A user on twitter has sent Nintendo fans into a frenzy as he appears to have uncovered new unannounced Amiibo’s. Not only this but other photo’s confirm which current games the first batch of Amiibo figures will be compatible…

Smash Bros Wii U Launch Date Announced

North America start the battle on 21st November European Smash Bro’s will be able to get their hands on Smash Bros for Wii U on December 5th. Japan will join the battle on 6th December 12 Amiibo figures coming out…

Mario Kart 8 DLC & Patch

Remeber the Mario Kart 8 Mercedes DLC posted a while back, well more information has arrived regarding that as-well as some nice new additions to the gameplay. Here’s the total list of changes: 8/27 update to add map display on…

Amiibo Figures Priced & Available to Pre-Order

The Nintendo Amiibo figures that will be used in Smash Bro’s have been priced and are available for pre-order on They’ll cost you £12.85 per figure and are appear to have 2 versions of each character available for 3DS…

E3 2014 News: Pac Man Confirmed for Smash Bros Wii U

Yup, we thought it would happen. Pacman is a playable character in Smash Bros for Wii U, and brings an awesome level to battle on with him. A teaser at the end featuring Mr Game&Watch too.   Looking forward to…

E3 2014 Hype: Murr’s Greatest E3 Moments

E3, It’s the second most wonderful time of the year (Christmas without a doubt the best). Over the years there have been some massive and unforgettable game announcements and reveals. There have been some truly incredible conference moments that jab at…

Mario Kart & Mercedes Team Up & Free DLC

Way back at the beginning of April I did a write up on Nintendo “Branching Out” and getting their name about with various different products and companies. Well it appears that trend is still continuing as a screenshot has been…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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