Nintendo Direct Recap

An out of nowhere 35 minute Nintendo Direct hit us just in time for Valentines Day. Here’s a recap of what was announced. Our first reveal is for Super Mario Maker 2 coming June 2019. Yoshiaki Koizumi is on screen…

Monster Loves You! – Switch review

An interactive story that brings a smile to your face. Definitely one for the kids, but I’m not going to lie I really enjoyed playing through this one. It oozes charm. Monster Loves you! Platforms: Switch, PC Age rating: 3…

Geekly Review #247

August passes us by, and with that both our birthdays pass by and we class that as the death of Summer. All hail September the start of Autumn & Winter and the season the game releases ramp up. We’re less…

Geekly Review #244

The sun decided to stop shining for a while and we had a bit of a downpour. Terrible timing for Will who was off to a festival, but it resulted in a bit of time to play games. Here’s what…

E3 2018 – Nintendo Direct Summary

What an exhausting weekend, plenty of very late nights (or early mornings in our case) but onto the final show of E3 2018. What a sad thing to type, E3 Conferences are finishing today 🙁 Oh well, over to Nintendo.…

Pre E3 2018 – Rumours, Leaks & Confirmations

So the previous years that we’ve covered E3, there is always hype and excitement around the days of the conferences. However, in the last 2 years some developers have revealed news before the conferences which in turn sparks more interest…

Games of The Year 2017

2017 has been an absolutely incredible year in gaming. A new phenomenon was born on PC with PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. Nintendo released their next hybrid console which has taken off in a way that no one expected, with 3rd parties now…

5 Games to Play on a Desert Island

The age old question and scenario, what 5 [insert topic here] would you want with you if you were stranded on a desert island? This question usually only works with books, as let’s face it, if it’s a desert island…

E3 2017: Nintendo – What to Expect?

This year, E3 is pretty tough to speculate as to what will be shown across all the exhibitors. I’ve had a stab at what Sony might deliver already, but this post is all about what the mad scientists over at…

Geekly Review #186

Morning Geeks. This week it’s just me as Will is off relaxing and recharging after a very special weekend in which we celebrated his wedding. So there wasn’t an awful lot of Geekly activities this weekend really. I managed to…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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