E3 2021 – Ubisoft Forward Summary

Next on this slightly oddly paced and organised E3 is Ubisofts Forward Summary. On paper this doesn’t strike as overly exciting (although it’s got to be better than Koch last night). Plenty of Netflix & Ubisoft partnerships via Netflix Geeked…

Geekly Review #283

Another week bites the dust, we move closer to E3, yet once again more news has already started filtering out via both official means and leaks, Here’s a roundup of our week and news What we’ve been up to… Shadow…

E3 2018 – Ubisoft Conference Summary

We’re onto the final stretch of conferences now, having watched Square-Enix and Limited Run already today. Next up is one of the big hitters in the 3rd party world Ubisoft. Other than The Division 2, they’ve been somewhat quiet with…

Geekly Review #227

A tad late this week as we’ve had a nice 4 day Easter Weekend. Plenty to talk about so here’s what we’ve been up to. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare So last week I didn’t get involved with the Geekly…

Late To The Party: Watch_Dogs 2

A return to the late to the party series that I’ve dabbled in over the years is a game that came out in the winter of 2016, and a follow up to one of this generations most hyped games which…

E3 2017 – Ubisoft Conference Summary

We’re coming to the final stretch of the E3 conferences now, with only 2 remaining after this show from Ubisoft. Once again another conference you could kind of guess what would be shown, and the fact that they revealed and…

E3 2017: Nintendo – What to Expect?

This year, E3 is pretty tough to speculate as to what will be shown across all the exhibitors. I’ve had a stab at what Sony might deliver already, but this post is all about what the mad scientists over at…

Geekly Review #186

Morning Geeks. This week it’s just me as Will is off relaxing and recharging after a very special weekend in which we celebrated his wedding. So there wasn’t an awful lot of Geekly activities this weekend really. I managed to…

Geekly Review #159

Winter is well and truly setting in with the rain coming thick and fast, so it’s the perfect time to sit down, get comfy and play video games! Here’s what we’ve been getting up to over the last few days.…

E3 2016 – Ubisoft Conference Summary

  So Microsoft had a strong showing earlier in the evening, although a lot of the news was previously leaked. Next up is Ubisoft who had been quite tight barring the Watch_Dogs mess up by IGN. However a few hours…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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