Late To The Party: Watch_Dogs 2

A return to the late to the party series that I’ve dabbled in over the years is a game that came out in the winter of 2016, and a follow up to one of this generations most hyped games which…

Assassins Creed Syndicate PS4 Bundle and Dreadful Crimes Trailer

  We’re approaching “Holiday” season and with it the bundles, deals, marketing campaigns all ramp up and are announced. Here we go then. Sony have today announced the Assassins Creed Syndicate PS4 1TB bundle that’ll come with a free digital…

E3 2015 Hype – Ubisoft

  Continuing with the E3 hype, our next conference to hype up is Ubisoft’s which takes place Monday June 15th. Ubisoft have absolutely killed it the past 3 E3’s recruiting Aisha Tyler to lead the conference presentation bringing humour to…

Geekly Review #81

Here we are again, another Monday morning, and time for a round up of the weeks news and what we’ve been geeking out over. I need to clear some of my backlog of games. So, that’s kind of what I’m…

Games of the Year

When a new console launches, you quite often find that the game scene for said console can be a little sparse. Whilst the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 weren’t exactly bursting at the seams with new games, they did still…

There’s an app for that!

Apparently, almost 2 billion people in the world now use smart phones. With that number ever increasing and mobile gaming becoming more and more popular each year, it’s kind of easy to understand why some game developers have decided to…

Geekly Review #38

Okay, first things first. As most of you  are probably well aware, last week saw the release of the Destiny Beta for PS3 and PS4, well this week its Xbox’s turn. On Wednesday the Destiny Beta will hit Xbox 360…

NPD for June – PS4 #1 Again

NPD results finally made there way in and it was another month in which PS4 took the number 1 console spot. It’s been number one every month of 2014 so far. The importance of this particular NPD though is June…

Geekly Review #36

Monday morning strikes again, How was everyone’s weekend? Here’s what we got up to… Friday evening for me was all football. I was streaming the quarter final between Colombia & Brazil on my notebook, while continuing my football manager campaign…

Geekly Review #34

As I am off to Glastonbury Festival this week on Friday night we had a pre Glastonbury party. Basically, our group, all got together to get a little excited about heading off to Glastonbury, and started to make a few…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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