Video Games

Guacamelee: First Impressions

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Geekly Review #35
Comments (4)
  1. drakulus23 says:

    I’m actually really disappointed that we got Guacamelee this month. So far all of the Games With Gold have been really disappointing. Here’s to hoping that it gets better next month.

    1. willgsrr says:

      I’ve heard a lot of people saying they want a bit more, like Ryse or Dead Rising.
      What are you hoping to see?

      1. drakulus23 says:

        Since I have both Ryse and Dead Rising there would be no point in me downloading them lol, but I agree. I would like to see better games make the list. I wouldn’t mind seeing a game like Tomb Raider or possibly even Assassin’s Creed make the list. I think we’re a long way off from that though.

        1. willgsrr says:

          I have Ryse too, but wouldn’t mind any of the ones you mentioned. But like you say, probably a way off getting games like that.

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