Geekly Review #91

I’m not really sure where the last week just went. Time seems to be flying at the moment and with that it feels like I’m not really spending much time playing game – although I’ve still managed a little bit…

Guacamelee: First Impressions

As I’m sure most of you are aware, July’s ‘Games with Gold’ promotion is offering up Guacamelee for free, naturally I took advantage of this generous offer. Now I know the game has been kicking around for some time on…

Games with Gold now Live!

In case you missed the news, Xbox Ones games with gold promotion is now live. You can get Halo: Spartan Assault, and Max: The Curse of Brotherhood for FREE! Quick, go and get them! It also appears that the June Xbox…

Xbox One: June update details

Microsoft (via Major Nelson, via Xbox Wire) have just detailed all the changes coming to Xbox One in Junes update. There are quite a lot so you may want to grab a coffee. There is also a little video detailing the…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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