Thor: Dark World Thoughts…Semi Spoiler Free

Okay, first things first, no spoilers in this first few paragraphs, I’ll add a spoiler warning when I go on to talk about certain parts of the movie. With that said let’s begin… I’ll openly admit that from the Phase…

Why John Cena Winning the World Heavy Weight championship is good for the belt

Hell In a Cell 2013. John SUPER Cena returns months ahead of schedule from his arm surgery and is thrown straight into a championship bout against Alberto Del Rio for the 2nd (or 1st depending on your view) most prestigious…

The Girlfriend Gaming Experiment

My girlfriend is a good egg, a keeper some would say. She’s very understanding of my need to play games (and yes it is a need) but she’s never really shown a willingness to get involved – well, not past…

Who are we?

Hello, and welcome *spreads arms in welcoming gesture* to GEEK.SLEEP.RINSE.REPEAT. “Who are you?” I  hear you ask? We are Will and Omar nice to meet you. We love all things geeky, and have decided that we love it so much that we…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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