The Ultimate Ability is a Form of Comms

The idea of any team-based game is to work together to achieve an objective. Some video games place much more emphasis on working together than others. Games such as GTFO, Hell Let Loose, and Squad are a few examples where…

Dungeons & Kingdoms is a cool blend of city-builder and dungeon-crawler

Dungeons & Kingdoms is the upcoming single-player genre mashup combining elements of City-builders, with dungeon-crawling RPG’s. And it looks pretty darn cool. Build up your Castle and city, whilst protecting your townsfolk from raiders and other dangerous creatures in the…

I’m having the best time with Destiny 2 right now

For 10 years I’ve been playing Destiny. Across those 10 years, I’ve had some incredibly memorable moments. That being said, Lightfalls release didn’t really hit for me. In fact I’ve only just completed the story campaign after finishing The Final…

Concord has me confused

I’ve been keeping an eye on Concord since it was announced during the Summer Games Fest. The premise looked cool, but at the same time, it seems confusing. They’re trying to mash together a few different games with influences from…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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