Trials Fusion

Never have I found a game so fun, but at the same time so furiously frustrating as Trials. I played Trials when it first appeared back in 2000, and have played pretty much every iteration since. Trials Fusion is the latest…

Destiny: Strike Gameplay

Stop what you are doing, a new Destiny trailer has just dropped, and you need to watch it! The trailer is showing off some new mission game play, taking you to Old Russia, and the Devils Lair. Its looking brilliant…

Geekly Review #26

This weekend was a bit of a special one. As I’m sure you are aware Murr has been preparing for a wedding, well this weekend it was wedding time! On Friday night, we all met up as we were all…

Evolve 4 vs 1 trailer

Today saw the release of a brand new video from 2K showing off some delicious looking Evolve gameplay. Check out the video below. Having not really seen too much game play from it so far, I have to say I…

watch_dogs multiplayer trailer

Yesterday saw the release of a new video for watch_dogs showing off the multiplayer side of the game. The 9 minute demo showcases how you can hack in to other peoples games, and shows how the companion app will work…

Geekly Review #25

You’ve got to love a bank holiday weekend! 4 day weekend all for ‘free’. Friday was a bit of a day of rest, catching up on some sleep, and basically unwinding from work. I think we watched Frozen Planet most…

PAX East 2014: Round Up

As I’m sure a lot of you are aware PAX East 2014 has just come to an end. Quite a lot was shown this year, and whilst I didn’t follow everything that happened, so will have no doubt missed some…

Geekly Review #24

Another weekend bites the dust, with that the latest Geekly Review of the weekends shenanigans… I found out rather late on Friday afternoon that my fiancee was going to be heading to London with work that night and she wouldn’t be…

Infamous: Second Son Impressions

  I’ll start by making a confession; I’ve not played the previous titles In the Infamous series. So Infamous: Second Son is all new grounds to me. I don’t know if the previous titles followed the same premise as SS…

YOLO: Permadeath on the rise!

It’s obvious to see that games featuring permadeath are on the rise. In my experience it used to be mainly something that was seen in indie games and not so much in your ‘main stream’ games. But slowly and steadily…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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