Limited Edition Batman: Arkham Knight PS4 Bundle

  An exclusive limited edition Batman Arkham Knight PS4 has been revealed on the US PlayStation Blog and it looks pretty incredible: This special bundle will be available for $449.99 (MSRP) and will include the limited edition Steel Grey PS4…

UK Games Chart Week 13

  This week saw the release of another hard hitting PlayStation title in Bloodborne. It’s been reviewing very favorably and understandably talk of it being the game of the year are doing the rounds. Surely a bit early for that?…

Geekly Review #74

The clocks have changed, we’re all feeling a little confused and tired, but don’t worry it’s also a short week ahead of Easter! Time for the weekends round up. I spent a fair chunk of the weekend getting ready to…

Halo 5 Trailers

Last week we got a little tease that there would be some new trailers for Halo 5: Guardians, that would show off a little more of the story. Well last night, two new trailers were revealed. One was for Master…

DayZ Diaries: S2 Ep2 – The Prison

After leaving Svet thoroughly spooked out, I started to make my way West. I thought I’d stop off at the North East airfield to see if there was anything good lying in wait for me. I approached from the hills…

UK Games Chart Week 12

  A great week for gamer’s as a handful of new games released for both current generation and last generation consoles. And even Nintendo’s Wii U (remember that console?) had a game release which charted surprisingly high, especially given the…

Geekly Review #73

Here we are again, Monday, which can only mean one thing. Geekly Review time! I had Friday penned in to play some DayZ as it had been a little while since I had. So that’s what I did. I continued…


Last week a mysterious teaser for Halo 5 popped up on the interwebs simply titled HUNTtheTRUTH. The post had a count down timer for something to be revealed on Sunday night. Well Sunday has passed now, and the tease has…

One To Watch – Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture

My next ‘One to watch’ continues along the theme of upcoming PlayStation 4 titles that may have slipped people’s minds due to the rather heavy hitters that are releasing soon. This time round I’d like to bring your attention to…

UPDATED: Nintendo Going Mobile: Smartphone Deal with DeNA, New Hardware confirmed

UPDATES 8:41am Nintendo to focus on the game development, DeNA to focus on the infrastructure and analytic’s First release will be this year Iwata reiterating that they won’t be making the same type of content for mobiles as they do…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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