DayZ Diaries #1: I’m thirsty!

Hello! As I had mentioned in my previous DayZ post I wanted to start a DayZ diaries. The premise will be to diary about one life in DayZ. That could go on for one post (lets hope not), or could go…

The Road to Wrestlemania – Predictions #2

So Royal Rumble has been and gone. It didn’t really throw many surprises really other than the shocking omission of Daniel Bryan which was such a big deal it even made BBC News. But other than that, Royal Rumble paves…

Pretty Deadly #4 & Dead Body Road #2 Reviews

Last week saw the release of issue 4 of Pretty Deadly and issue 2 of Dead Body Road. I was able to get a hold of them over the weekend and wanted to share my thoughts on how the series…

WWE Royal Rumble 2014 Results

The first WWE Pay Per View of the year took place, the annual start of the year Royal Rumble. On paper the schedule looked rather… odd. It was an eventful if predictable rumble. I did a 2014 predictions post a…

Geekly Review #13

Well its Monday again, so its Geekly Review time. This week we’re going to be doing something a little bit different. We’ve decided to start a new feature where we will show our gaming highlights of the week, and face…

DayZ Standalone

You either die a noob, or live long enough to become a murdering nut job. I wasn’t sure about getting on the standalone version of DayZ right away, as I didn’t know how buggy it would be, seeing as its…

New Year, New Shows

Technically they aren’t new to any of our readers who live in the United States, But over here in UK we always get a delay with shows. Last week saw the debut of 3 new shows on British TV, 2…

Geekly Review #12

Apparently today is blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. But don’t be too sad because it’s time for our Geekly Review. This weekend being a middle/late January weekend was a very quiet one, so I think it…

Late To The Party: Tomb Raider

2013 saw a lot of big game releases across all consoles. However seeing as I’d purchased the Wii U on launch, I thought I’d focus the majority of my gaming spending on games for this console. Of course there were…

Xbox One: The Games!

I’ve talked about the Xbox One console, now it’s time for me to talk about the games for it, or more precisely the games I have. I’m not necessarily going to be reviewing them, just putting my thoughts together on…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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