*Yawn & Stretch* Well, that was a lovely weeks break. Back to normal now though… However I do feel nice and refreshed after our week away in Cornwall.
We started our nice little break in St Mawes, which is a quaint little fishing village on the south coast. My Mum has a little flat down there, so we popped down for the day/night to see them. They have a little 5 metre rib (boat) so we spent most of the day on that which was great fun. In the evening we popped to the local pub seeing as it was my birthday.
We then headed to see Meg’s parents in Coverack, just a little further down the coast, and pick up the camper van and head to St Ives for a the rest of the week.
I spent a lot of time in Cornwall when I was a little un, so I have a pretty big soft spot for the area, but then if you have been there, you will understand why, it is just a lovely part of the country.
Our campsite was couple of miles out of St Ives, up on the hill. I don’t think we could’ve picked a better site, mainly for the fact that you had bread to order! Pop in your request and in the morning you would have lovely fresh and warm bread to eat, YUM!
We usually get very lazy when we are holiday, so we actually didn’t do a lot. Mostly eating, drinking and reading. Holidays are always a great time to catch up on some reading.

I took a fair amount away with me to get stuck in to, although I did read some of it before I left. I’d picked up Sheltered Volume 2, Lazarus volume 2 and Pretty Deadly volume 1. But knowing how quickly I get through trade paperbacks I knew I needed something a little more hefty to get stuck in to, so I settled on The Wise Man’s Fear, which is book 2 in the King Killer Chronicles written by Patrick Rothfuss. It didn’t really take much for me to decide on in as I’d loved the first book.
The first volume of Sheltered was great, the second followed suit.
Safe Haven has gone to s**t, and the arrival of some outsiders threaten to reveal all the madness that has gone on. Lucas is still intent on leading the group below ground as he believes a volcano is about to erupt and lay waste to the country. Other aren’t so sure, and want to try and leave, but with everything that has happened, to go back to the real world, and face the reality of the crimes that have been committed won’t be so easy.

The whole volume had me really engrossed from start to finish, and I’m eager to find out how it all ends, although I’m going to have to wait a little while.
I had been quite a while since I read the first volume of Lazarus, so it took me a little while to remember what was what, but once I did, I found it to be another very enjoyable volume.
The Carlyle family face a terror threat, and it’s up to Forever to stop it. She knows the ‘Lift’ is when it will happen. The Lift is where the ‘wasted’ who are basically the poor, poverty stricken people can be lifted to Serf status, to work for one of the families.
Meanwhile the Barrets, a family of “Waste,” lose their home and land, and must pursue their only chance for a better life – a 500-mile journey to Denver in the hope that one of their family will be noticed by the Carlyles and “lifted”.
As I said it was a good read. Probably not quite as enjoyable as Sheltered, but still good. It was also good to get a bit more of a back story of Forever, and see how she became who she is today.
I didn’t actually get around to reading Pretty Deadly and that was mainly because I’d gotten pretty engrossed in The Wise Man’s Fear.
I didn’t actually get around to reading Pretty Deadly and that was mainly because I’d gotten pretty engrossed in The Wise Man’s Fear. The story continues with Kvothe narrating his life to the Chronicler, as he searches for answers, attempting to uncover the truth about the mysterious Amyr, the Chandrian, and the death of his parents.
I didn’t manage to finish the it, in fact a barely made much of a dent only getting about a quarter of the way through it, but seeing as it is about 1000 pages long, and I don’t read all that quickly I think I did OK. Even still, it’s just as good as the first, and makes for some pretty compelling reading, and by that I mean that I just want to keep reading it I always get the “just one more chapter.” thing when reading it.
As I’d mentioned it was also my birthday, which meant I also got a few presents, amongst them was The Walking Dead board game (the new one, not the comic version). Now I’m not exactly a board game aficionado, but I will happily dabble in the odd game here and there, and I had been talking about buying a few more of my own. We got around to playing it on the last night of our holiday, and after taking a little while to soak up the rules and what not, we got under way.
The thing with this board game is that you have to work together to beat the game. This is something I’ve not experienced before, but it was actually very fun and made a nice change. The further we got in to the game the more we started to think tactically about it, but in the end we were overrun by zombies and wiped out, boo…. But hey, it was still good fun.
We came home on the Friday morning, and that was pretty much the end of our holiday. Whilst the weather was a bit mixed, it was still a perfect little break.
– Will