It seems like no is as good a time as any to check out what games are avaialbe on the various passes. That’s exactly what we’ve been doing.
Wreckfest has always looked like one of those games that I know I would enjoy playing. But one that I’m not willing to splash loads of money on because it would probably be a flash in the pan type deal. That being said, with the game being available on Xbox game pass and with a few friends downloading it. It was time to check it out.

The premise is extremely simple, it’s desctruciton derby. Race, or smash cars up that’s pretty much it. over the weekend we played multiplayer only stuff and just filled the lobby with bots so there were 20 odd people in a race for maximum carnage. It was a lot of fun just smashing into each other and seeing how long we could survive in stupid ‘cars’ like the sofa – spoiler, ususally not very long.
The physics engine of the game is what makes it really good fun. Seeing your car slowly cave in on itself the more you bump and bash your way around leads to some excellent-looking smashed-up cars. As I said, this isn’t a game I’d play loads or likely buy. However, it’s an excellent way to kill a couple of hours with friends.
Need for Speed Heat
More racing, and more ‘pass’ content. This time with NFS and EA’s subscription. I’d actually played Heat a month or so back and did really enjoy the first few hours. However, with no one else playing it at the time the appeal didn’t last too long. Last week a couple of friends also picked the game up and we all decided to jump in and cruise around together.

We’ve crewed up and even matched our car’s look. Then took to the streets for some high octane racing. Racing itsefl is pretty good fun, but the most fun usually comes from trying to outrun the police. We found that hitting the biggeds jumps possible was a pretty good way to lose your heat.
Need for Speed Heat is another one of those games that I’m not normally inclined to buy. However, happy to dip in and out of when I have a subscription to EA.